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Okay, I'll admit, I might be a tiny bit of a hypocrite posting this chapter. But I figured I wasn't doing too terrible, so I allowed myself to write this chapter. I hope this helps you. :)

It's really important to update regularly. It keeps your readers engaged. 

If you update, say, once a week, your readers won't forget the plot, and they'll get the whole wattpad experience of wondering what happens next. 

But if you update like once a month, they'll probably forget the plot and you'll get a lot of comments asking who was this minor character again? And what happened a week ago? And your readers won't know what the Hades is happening anymore and they'll just stop reading.

So my advice to you: update every week. If you're a slow writer, then force yourself to write something everyday. And have a deadline for when you're going to finish the chapter. 

If you're not able to update one week, then tell them. 

And DO NOT FALL OFF OF THE FACE OF THE PLANET.  Your readers like an ending, and if you discontinue your book, they'll be frustrated and mad and nervous, if you end the chapter at a cliffhanger. If you do just stop updating, then if you post some more books, your readers wouldn't trust you to finish it again, and chances are, they won't read it.

And this is how I plan to post a book on wattpad: pre write it. I'll type it and wade through writers block there, and copy and paste it onto Wattpad. That way, I don't feel pressure to write regularly, and I can write my best work. I don't have to make my readers suffer through my writers block, and I can update daily, which would make my readers happier. 

So that's my little piece of the day. Have a good one!

And again, I would really appreciate it if you voted. 

Writing TipsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora