Elementary School AU

Start from the beginning

Roy stared into the spiraling shell on his despised Jump Math textbook, running his pencil over the engravings carved into his desk. He was jabbed in the elbow with a piece of paper, he would ask who even passed notes nowadays, but considering that Tuppence and her brother had already had their phones taken away, it wasn't that big a deal. He didn't want to be an accessory, but also didn't want the twins to jump him at recess (they were both MASSIVE), so he passed the note on to it's intended person.

Less than five minutes later, he was jabbed in the other elbow by the note returning. Curious, and exhausted with math, he slipped a peak before passing it on:

"For: S F & B F
Come down 2 the li'l school after school?"

"Can't. Detention."

Ah, Roy's class was so bad it had two pairs of crazily strong twins: Tommy and Tuppence, and Selinda and Baran. Dinah complained about them everyday at dinner, and Roy saw why: they were big, tough, and wanted to pick on anyone who had the audacity to be better than them, disagree with their friends, be slightly rude, or be a young child.

At this point Roy had been bodied by several detentions and a suspension for beating them off (Not to mention many bruises and bloody noses), and he was mostly content to ignore them.

"Hey." Megan said, sitting a little too close to Kaldur, a shy boy from her class, on the bench. "Check it out: My Uncle J'onn packed me a snack. It's a ea-- --I mean, it's a food from around here called a peanut butter sandwich, it's my new favorite! --Hey! Hey!" He waved at the boy in the other second grade class. "Sit here!" The boy sat on the bench next to them. His lunch was also from home, but was pretty scarce. "Didn't your family pack you a lunch?"

"Pops gave me bread." He said. "I like bread."

Megan frowned, the peanut butter was obviously the best part of a sandwich. "Why do you only like bread?"

"It's always the same." He started nibbling at his snack, glasses tucked into his pocket for recess.

Megan pointed at a scratch on his cheek. "What happened?"

"Got hit in gym."

"What happened?" Kaldur asked.

"I was on team two and Mal was on team one." He rocked back-and-forth, nibbling his bread contentedly.

"I'm sorry." Kaldur said, feeling bad. Mal seemed not to like Conner, plus he was one of the only second graders--outside of Kaldur-- who was bigger than him, and Conner didn't like that. "Would you want my chocolate milk?"

"No." Conner said, swallowing.

"Can I have it?" They looked up to see a first grader. First graders were usually too scared to talk to second graders, just like how second graders were scared to talk to third graders. "Please" He corrected, relatively unabashed.

"Okay." Kaldur would never deny someone of what they might want or need. He passed over the little carton, and the boy upturned it, sipping eagerly and only pausing to wipe a spill off his bright red fleece. "Thanks. Are you a second grader?" The three nodded. "That's cool. Thank you." He ran back to the junior playground and began scrambling up the bars.

Wally always needed some more snacks, so he wasn't against asking other kids for theirs. "Arty! Play with us!" He waved at the girl eagerly. They'd met when Wally accidentally threw an ice snowball at her last christmas and she beat him up. They'd been friends ever since. "We're being transformers."

Artemis shuffled over, sizing up Wally's friends; a first grade girl with pale skin and dark hair, and two equally-familiar-looking grade twos: one white with two red pigtails, and one black with close-cropped inky hair. The latter two she knew, Barbra was in her class, and Raquel's dad was friends with her dad, though they didn't know each other.

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