Shockwave's Many Children

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(So many experiment babies and so many things that start out with questions)

One day Predaking walked up to Shockwave and asked, "Shockwave.... is there any more like me?"

"What do you mean?" Shockwave asks, not even looking up from his project.

"Have you created anything else?" He asks, "I was wondering..."

"Yes, many." Shockwave answers.

"Really?" Predaking with shock and excitement in his voice. There could be others like him, "Who are they?"

"The Dinobots and The Forged are the main ones." He says.

"Can I meet them?"

"Majority of The Forged are dead or missing and The Dinobots are Autobots." He explains, "The Dinobots hate me as well." He says mainly to himself.

 "Oh..." He says as he's clearly disappointed.

 "Yes, I'm disappointed as well." Shockwave says, "It doesn't matter I can work around it."

"What?" He asks as he's confused by the last part.

"It's nothing." He answers.


(First time Predaking has shown up. So I hope you enjoyed it and have a good day/night!)

Transformers Prime Written by IdiotsWhere stories live. Discover now