starscream × Arichnid

248 9 36

Mintzy: Welcome everyone! Today's ship is chaotic as hell and I don't even know if anyone ships it, buuuttt I hate it so I HAVE to write!

*silence for a split second, everyone is waiting patiently*

Mintzy: What, no sassy remarks today?

Miko: we just want to know!

Knockout: Exactly! what the girl said.

*mintzy snaps her fingers and archnid appears*

Mintzy: Ok ok, todays ship iiiisss starscream × Archnid!

*Everyone makes a disgusted face*

*acree is angry*

*Starscream growls angrily*

*Arichnid looks around and is extremely interested but also super confused*

Starscream: Nope!

Arcee: I thought you said you wouldn't bring her into this! *points guns at archnid and tries to shoot them but they don't work*

Archnid: into what arcee? What is this? Where are we and why are we all here? *looks down and sees humans* oooohh, a room full of enemies and some humans to squash? How strange.

Mintzy: *frowns* How many times do I have to explain this?

Knockout: Hey, your the one who brought her here so don't complain!

Mintzy: fair *thinks for a minute* wait, I have an idea. *snaps fingers*

*all the previous knowledge of this book appears inside archnids mind and she knows exactly what's going on*

Starscream: what in the all spark did you do?

Mintzy: *points at archnid* Ask her.

Archnid: Well, this is stupid.

Mintzy: is that ALL you have to say?

Archnid: And there are actually people reading this?

Mintzy: surprising right? And some of them are telling me I'm a good writer even!

Archnid: Humans are a strange species. I wonder what these readers of yours think of me . . .

Mintzy: *shrugs* I guess we'll find out won't we.

Arcee: I bet everyone hates you.

Archnid: you would just love that wouldn't you?

Starscream: No WAY do people ship me with HER!

Bulkhead: Of course they do.

Knockout: By now its not even surprising.

Archnid: *condescendingly smirks* Oh come now, there's no need to be so rude to me starscream.

Starscream: There is every reason! You're a maniac!

Arcee: So are you.

Starscream: I don't - I am not- UGH! I am NOT comparable to her!

Arcee: yes, you are. >:(

Starscream: HOW! *thinks for a minute* uh, don't - answer that...

Arcee: Exactly.

Knockout: Wow, that was just so sad to watch. But also very enjoyable.

Starscream: of course it was. >:(

Arichnid: Okie, now I see why. This is very entertaining.

Miko: We never should've invited the big scary spider lady-con.

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