I angle my head slightly, taking her in. The satisfied expression on her face, the gun in her steady hands, her red hair braided over her shoulder. The black suit she is wearing, hugging her curves perfectly.

The sight feels familiar, as if I've all seen it before. Maybe I have. She does seem to know me and I don't know what Dreykov injected me with.
I dismiss the feeling. I need to figure out how to get out of this situation.

'Tie yourself to the chair, Y/N,' Natalia orders. I stand up, slowly, carefully, not wanting to give her a reason to shoot me. I walk to the chair, inspecting the knots she undid. I don't know how she did it, I thought I tied her up fairly well, but she didn't even cut them or something: the ropes are all intact.

I sit down on the chair and look up to the gun still pointed at me. If I were to attempt to escape it should be now.

I sigh, deciding it is too risky and bend down to tie up my ankles together. I purposefully do it as loose as possible, so that I can still free myself.

'No, Y/N,' Natalia comments. I sigh and pull at them until I can't move anymore. 'Happy now?' I ask her sarcastically.

God, I wish I didn't turn the security cameras off. I guess I just didn't want Dreykov or Madame B to see me lingering, but I should've thought about the risks. Should've thought about what she can do.

'Very,' Natalia answers. 'Hands behind your back.'

I comply to her request, after which she walks towards me, keeping the gun aimed for my head. She stands behind me and after only seconds I feel her hands softly tying up mine. I can't help but enjoy the feeling her hands on my skin give me.

'My love,' she whispers in my ear, 'where is Yelena?'

Her voice is soft, seductive. For a moment I think about just giving in, but before I can the realistic part of my brain takes over.

I chuckle. 'That's for me to know and for you to find out.'

With one sharp tug the ropes tighten into my flesh. I bite on my tongue to restrain the pain.

'Don't make me hurt you. Where. Is. She?'

When I don't react she walks around me, standing right in front of me again.

'Dreykov will come check soon,' I tell her.

'If he does he'll find you here. Alone.'

I laugh at her. 'You want to go find Yelena? Good luck with that. Security cameras are all over this place.'

'You are forgetting I was raised here, Y/N.'

With those words she walks out of the room, leaving me there, tied to the chair she was just tied to. There must be something poetical in that, but I suppose that isn't my concern.

It must be around half an hour later when the door finally opens. I am expecting Dreykov, but Natalia walks in, Yelena behind her. I blink a few times in surprise. I didn't expect Natalia to actually find her. Didn't I put Yelena on a whole other floor?

Yelena's lips are a tight line and she looks mad. Real mad. There is a wound on her face, a long, bloody line. She walks towards me with heavy steps, before she leans down before me.

'You сука,' she says, before she slaps me across the face.

It stings and I bite, once again, on my tongue to try to stop the pain.

'That's enough, Lena,' Natalia says calmly. 'Y/N, we are leaving and you are coming with us. Try anything, and you'll regret it.'

'I'd totally love to go with you,' I say, sarcastically. 'Kidnapped once again!'

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