14- You can call me anything, code name?

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Chan went to update the rest of his unit and check on them, and of course rushed back to find Felix.

He found the room he was waiting in with JB.

"Felix??" Chan opened the door out of breath.

Commander..." Felix almost slipped up saying Chan's name, JB was with the boy as he sat on the bed with him. Felix was still curled up and in a lot pain crying.

"Chan! Great you're here...the doctor just got a quick scan of Felix's knee. She will be back soon, you ok to take over?" JB informed him.

"She did? Ok...and ya I can. Thanks" Chan thanked him inching closer.

"Sure thing, Felix feel better and let us know an update after" JB said to him patting his shoulder, Felix nodded wiping his wet cheeks.

"Thank you..."

"Of course, bye" JB said his goodbyes to both, as soon as Chan watched him leave. He looked down the hall to make sure no one was around, quickly closing it and going to Felix.

"Lixie...!" He rushed over to him, Felix sat up crying his name.

"C-Channie..." he sobbed reaching his small hands to him, Chan gently pulled him close in his arms cradling his body to stay careful with minimal movement.

"Shhh baby it's ok, I'm here...I'm here..." Chan reassured him hugging the boy, Felix cried into his chest in pain.

"It hurts...hurts so much..."

"Lix I know, we will figure out what's wrong soon. I promise..." Chan whispered cupping his cheek, Felix nodded blinking away tears.

"Come here..." Chan pulled the boy into soft and tender kisses, it already helped Felix feel at ease.

"Channie..." Felix kissed him back whimpering his name, he gripped his small hands on Chan's back as the older kissed him more.

"It's gonna be ok Felix..."

He gave the boy more soft kisses and then held him in his arms stroking his hair, it stopped Felix from crying more at least.


"Hello, it's Dr. Anh Hwasa! I'm back with Felix's scans" she announced before she would come in, the two Quickly separated to make it seem like they were just talking.

"Um ya! You can come in!" Chan said nervously, she opened the door greeting Chan.

"Oh hi commander Bang! Haven't seen you in a while! How are you?" She greeted him holding an iPad.

"I'm going alright...thanks. Can you let us know about Felix?" He asked her.

"Yes, Felix you see right here has a severe meniscus strain...it's an issue with the tendon right here" she showed them the scan photo.

"He has a strain...?? Shit...what does that mean??" Chan asked her with worry.

"It means he has to stay off that knee for 1-2 weeks, thankfully it's not a full tear yet...but if he keeps on training rigorously like he has been it will become worse. He needs to stay off it, ice it, and take anti inflammatory medication" she told them, Felix felt his heart saddened.

"I...what...? B-but what about my evaluation?? That's in 3 days-"

"Felix, If you do anymore training on the knee for now...it won't recover. I'm sorry...you will have to try again next year..."she said to him, Felix looked at his knee then to Chan.

"W-what does that mean?? Next year??"

Chan sighed knowing all the rules and guidelines or the program, any non serious injuries that would cause a recruit to no longer able to train or participate in evaluation...

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