8- Rolling in the deep inside my head

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Chan couldn't help but touch himself in the shower that night, remembering the sweet taste of Felix's lips on his own. The feel of his delicate but toned body in his hands.

After that night he put away all feelings for Felix, going back to his not as warm persona when in training with them.

The next day he kept interaction with Felix to a minimum, as much as the boy tried for Chan's attention and to talk...Chan stopped giving it to him.

And by the 4th day too, the two kept their distance. There would be small glances here and there, but not talking unless it was to instruct.

Even when Chan's unit and JB's unit were training together, Felix gave up on asking assistance or pointers from him... so he asked JB which the other did advise.

Chan saw that, and didn't like it...
But he didn't even know what to say...

It was late that evening and he was going to go home for the night, walking by the gymnasium and seeing Felix in there training alone. He sighed walking past it...but then back tracked going in.


He went inside holding his fleece jacket, looking at a Felix who was doing the easy level wall climb. Felix didn't know Chan was there until he finished and jumped down, the older tried to be nice at least.

"I see your footing has got better..." Chan said, Felix turned around with a pained expression seeing him.

"Thanks..." was all he said, Chan tried to keep things normal too but couldn't help but ask.

"I saw you asking JB for help today...were you ok?" Chan asked quietly, Felix just hummed with a nod going to pack up stuff in his duffel bag.

It was quiet again and Felix spoke up.

"Did you both talk about anything else-"

"Don't do that Chan" Felix said with a tone, Chan was confused raising an eyebrow.

"What? Do what-"

"Jealous, you're not allowed be jealous of JB" Felix crossed his arms looking at him, Chan scoffed a bit.

"I'm not jealous-"

"Then why are you asking about what I talked to JB about?" Felix said plainly.


"Chan you said for me to forget my feelings and you would too, so why are you jealous!?" Felix snapped at him, Chan sighed grabbing his bag and Hand pulling the boy with him.

"Chan??!! Where are you taking me-"

"Away from anywhere that has cameras" Chan said before pulling them outside the Building in the cold air.

"Chan! What are you-"

"Felix if you want to talk, then we're going to talk about it like adults at my place" Chan sighed pointing to his car, Felix huffed a bit taking his bag from Chan.


Felix complied and went to Chan's place to talk.

"This is where you live...?" Felix asked seeing the duplex loft and modern interior.

"Ya, follow me..." Chan said as they removed their shoes, he took Felix's bag placing it near the couch area gesturing for him to sit down.

Felix went to do so staying quiet, the older sat across from him taking a breath.

"Felix, I don't know how much clearer to be...a relationship between you and I, will not be approved of-"

"I already told you...Chan no one would have to know-"

"Lixie just...*sigh* I know it's not easy but just forget you like me. I'm trying to do the same about you-"

"Well can't I be transferred to JB's unit-"

"Not without raising suspicion and it will come back to me, alright?" Chan said, Felix pouted some looking away but Chan couldn't help coo at.

"Fine" was all Felix said standing up, but Chan expected more pressing from him.

"Really? That's it? You're fine with it-"

"Yes Chan, but just so you know you can't get annoyed or jealous of anyone I talk to" Felix gave a look, the older stood up rolling his eyes.

"I wasn't jealous-"

"Ya you were" Felix said sarcastically, Chan shook his head again.

"Felix I was not jealous, I was just concerned-"

"It's fine, I'll ask JB to help me one-on-one so you can forget your feelings..." Felix said with some sadness turning to Leave, but when Chan heard that he didn't like it...

"Felix wait! No, you can still come to me for-"

"For what? For you to act different with me again? That's going to make it hard for the both of us..." Felix huffed glancing over to him, Chan followed him to the door.

"Lixie I-"

"It's fine Chan...I'll leave. Don't worry, I'll go to JB for help..." Felix sighed going to Chan's door with his bag, he opened it but then saw the older's hand close it.

"Chan, I want to go home" Felix turned around upset with him, Chan looked at the boy thinking over the last months with him...
And the times he has had with Felix...

He didn't want anyone else to have with him.


Chan cupped his face pulling into a kiss, Felix dropped his bag feeling the older press him against the door kissing him deeper.

Chan kissed him again and then pulled away, Felix looked at him with blushing cheeks and confused eyes.

"Chan...? What-"

"I don't want to forget...I don't want you to forget either that night..." Chan whispered against his lips, Felix felt his heart beat faster.

"But you...said-"

"I know...I tried but...seeing you being close with JB or anyone else...I hate it..." Chan said rubbing his thumbs on his cheeks and lips, Felix looked into his eyes starting to smile a bit.

"So...we can be together...?" Felix asked with hope, Chan looked away then back at him.

"For now...yes...we just can't tell anyone at all. Ok?" Chan said seriously, Felix giggled and smiled.

"O-ok Channie..." he smiled whispering back, Chan smiled looking at his lips.

"God you're so cute..." he teased kissing him again, Felix melted into his kisses. Gripping his small hands around Chan's back.

They made out even more then the younger pulled away for air.

"Channie..." he panted licking his lips, the older doing the same.

"Hm?" Chan hummed kissing his cheeks.

"Can I stay over tonight...?" He asked, Chan looked away for a moment.

"Um...if you want...but you don't have extra clothes do you?" Chan asked Felix looked down at his bag.

"Oh...no, can I use your shower and borrow any you have?" He asked curiously, Chan nodded with a smile.

"Sure...I can show you where it is and get an extra towel too" Chan patted his head turning to leave but then Felix grabbed his hand.


"I want you with me...too..." Felix asked timidly, Chan raised an eyebrow.

"You mean, in the shower...? Or-"

"Y-yes...is it wrong? I-I mean you've seen most of me in the locker rooms...I've just never seen...any of you..." he shyly said, Chan smirked.

"That's true, I guess I can show you" Chan suddenly bent over picking him up over his shoulder, Felix squeaked feeling himself being carried off.


The older took him towards his bedroom to the bathroom.

"You can see what years of training looks like~"

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