31- Heated in this sweet space

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Felix put his glass on the counter and ran back to the bedroom waking up Chan.

"Chan!! Channie!!" He got on the bed shaking his chest, Chan groaned in his sleep whining some.

"Mm what...?" He sighed with his eyes closed, Felix turned on the lamp making Chan cover his eyes.

"Hey!! What the hell Lix?? I'm sleeping...!" Chan whined louder from the commotion, Felix was panicking reaching for his hand.

"C-Channie...I'm sorry..!"

Chan removed his hand looking at the boy in confusion.

"Wait? What...? Sorry? Sorry for what?"

"Channie I'm so sorry...! I didn't mean for it to happen...! I'm sorry..." Felix started to cry with worry, Chan blinked his eyes more awake as he sat up seeing the boy look upset.

"Babe, hold on. Why are you upset?? What's wrong??" Chan cupped his cheeks looking at him, Felix shook his head dropping some tears.

"I-I just wanted to get water and look outside...
s-since it was late...! I-I didn't expect anyone to be out at this time-"

"Lixie...calm down...what happened?" Chan said seriously to him, Felix looked down then back to him.

"I-I saw Yeji...and she saw me..."

"What?! Yeji?!"

"I know! I- I tried to hide but I think she knows which window belongs to your unit?? I-"


And just then, Chan's phone began to ring. He looked at the screen...

It was indeed Yeji.


Chan grabbed his phone watching it ring, Felix saw it was her too.

"Oh my god...! W-what do we do??" Felix freaked out more, Chan sighed pushing his hair back.

"Fuck...she really knows something is up..." Chan bit his lip watching his phone ring, it stopped but then she tried calling again.

"C-Can't we ignore her?? Maybe she will forget-"

"Not likely, we kinda look out for each other since we live in the same place. If I see something suspicious at her place I let her know, same for mine...and if I ignore her call, she will probably come here right now" Chan sighed again biting his lip, Felix sat on his knees feeling anxiety take over again.

"T-then what do we do?? What-"

"Lix, stay very quiet. Ok?" Chan said cupping his cheek, Felix just nodded wiping his eyes.


Chan took a breath before answering his phone putting it on speaker.

"Yeji...? What's up? It's kinda late..." Chan said trying to sound clueless, he looked at Felix seeing him make the small fist in his hand...knowing he does that when nervous.

"Chan!! Hey!! Are you home?? I'm outside letting Mika use the bathroom and I saw someone in your window and I don't think it was you! You're home right?? Should I call the police if you're not-"

"No...no Yeji. No need for the police, yes I'm home and that was someone else you probably saw..." Chan replied.

"Ok, I-
Wait...someone else?? You have someone over? Hold on...Chan! It better not be damn Felix! I told you both to end it months ago! If it is then-"

"No Yeji it's not him! We ended things like you said that day! I haven't seen him outside of training and we don't like each other anymore, I've moved on..." Chan said convincing her, he looked up to Felix seeing the boy with a sad expression.

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