When I get there Henrie is setting the table so I join him

"How did you find my table sets?" I ask him

"Your mom handed it to me so that's what I'm doing" he says

"I hate that you met my parents this day is a mess" I say

"Why I was bound to meet them anyways I don't see the issue!" he says

"Henrie why do you think it'd be so easy for us to date I see so many problems" I whisper

"I'm not talking about dating each other Rylee I'm bound to meet your parents because we are Dash's parents but interesting that I'm still on your mind guess you don't think deleting everything that happened between us isn't that smart" he says 

"I guess whatever I don't want to talk about this" I say and walk back to my parents

"So sweetheart he told me he's Dash dad I thought it was the other Archibald that was" i say

"no dad i  told you that i first met Kleo and he's the one who put me in contact with Henrie which is him!" i say

"well put these plates on the table breakfast is ready" mom says and i start picking them up  to place on the table as henrie does

we then all sit done  and start eating i'm eating quickly because i want this to be over with the least amount questions asked or any conversation in general but that cut short because dad starts

"So i know you haven't spoken to your sister in years Rylee and we don't blame you but shes getting married and her engagement party is this Friday" Dad says

"mhmm i'm not suprised good for her" i say

and well she sent an invitation for you to our house mom says in that moment my anger fumes i hate her shes nothing but a petty bitch who only lives to put people down i fist my hand and take a deep breath because makes my blood boil but i don't want my son to see me like this i think to myself

"um dash how about we go play that video game you told me about?" Henrie says and i turn to him he knows how she makes me feel and hes trying to make it better  when he turns to me he smiles and shrugs but then i feel his hand tighten on me knee why is my heart rate going faster whats wrong with me am i getting sick

" yeah cool bye guys come on Hernrie" Dash says and grabs his fathers hands and they race upstairs and then i hear the door close

"i'm not going so it was a waste for her to send it" i say

"Rylee well i will be there saturday but cannot attend the family event Friday I have to go to court and your mom will be going" dad says

"mom you're going alone thats horrible you should stay until saturday and go with dad" i say

"well i can't let no one from your sister side of the family not be there she says

"well if were honest Alicia won't give a rats ass as long its all about her she'll be fine i cannot believe she found a man to stand her ass enough to marry her he must be a tool or old as dirt" i say

"Rylee will you please attend with me i don't want to be alone you can leave saturday and we can bring dash" mom says

"mom i honestly would but i can not see Alicia and it has nothing to do with how much i may disagree with her or fight the urge to punch her" i say

"then what it is that you are acutally thinking of letting your mother go by herself?" Dad says

"well you see last year i actually spoke to Alicia i regret it completely but she spent an hour telling me how she sad but then when i finally try to make her feel better she tells me why she thinks my life is crap told me to loose weight or id never get a man or be happy so then i decided to laugh in her face by telling her i have a man who loves me and well that not true or didn't happen so i can't go there without the man who is apparently totally in love with me" i say

"oh my Rylee why would you do that i told you all your life lies get you nowhere" dad says

"well i wasn't completely lying and she was pissing me off i thought i had someone special i say sighing thinking of my mystery man situtation or shall" i say henrie situatation

"Rylee i told you that dating thing you had online with that man was stupid and dangerous now look at you just bury it and move on to something better and real but your mom will be there so it'll help" Dad says
and i roll my eyes

"wow thanks dad so helpful" i say and he gets up to clear the plates and kisses my head and walks to the kitchen and i look at my mom staring at me

"what?" i ask

"you could solve your problem by asking him?" she says

"mother absolutley not i told you it was fail and a mistake now you want me to invite him to my sisters engagement weekend extravaganza" i say

"Rylee India its like you seem to forget you can't kick Henrie out of your life he is the father of you child so he's going to be around at least ask him for help" she says

"fine only for you i want to scream" i say

i walk upstairs and knock on Dash room and they both are laughing and Dash is cheering because he beat henrie

"you got me good bud!" he says and hugs Dash

"hey sorry to break the fun but Henrie could i talk to you" i say

"sure" he says

"are grams and pops still here?" Dash ask and i nod and he runs down to see them

"umm this is awkward but my sister is having her engagement extravaganza this weekend and i need help" i say

and he looks with a straight face at me lord how is this really going to is this a dumb idea

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