• chapter twenty six •

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"Harry! I thought we decided not to do this shoot!" Liam snapped, coming over and stepping in front of the camera which everyone was shocked by. This had never happened to Harry before.

Liam had thought that they were canceling this shoot and happened to look at Harry's calendar and got angry that it wasn't cancelled. "Liam...we're kind of in the middle of something..." Harry said cautiously, trying not to show how annoyed he was at Liam for disrupting his place of work.

"I don't care! How could you do this! We decided NOT to do this and here you are posing like a little slut!" Liam yelled, he was very angry and didn't care who was watching.

"You decided that you didn't want me to do it...I never told you I wasn't doing it. In fact I explicitly told you that it's my job and I am choosing to do it" Harry told him, feeling so embarrassed that this was happening in front of everyone.

"Well you need to quit! Delete all those fucking pictures now! You're acting like a fucking bitch Harry! You can't wear this slutty shit!" Liam yelled, making Louis very angry.

"You don't have the right to call him that" Louis snapped, making Liam whip his head around and finally notice who was the photographer.

"You..." Liam muttered angrily, approaching Louis who backed up with his hands raised. This made Harry's heart start pounding with panic. "Liam don't..." Harry said shakily, watching Liam back Louis into a corner.

"You have no fucking right to tell me anything! I can call him whatever I want! He's mine! Unlike you who thought you could take him from me! You're probably only working this for your own benefit! I know you're being a creepy little bastard looking at MY boyfriend like this! And you like it!" Liam yelled in Louis' face, causing Harry to burst into tears, his mascara running down his cheeks.

"Liam stop it!" Harry sobbed, grabbing a robe to cover up again then running over. "He didn't do anything wrong..." Harry cried, desperately trying to get Liam to calm down and back up but he wasn't having it.

"No he fucking did! He's as much of a slut as you are!" Liam yelled, grabbing Louis by the shirt and landing a hard punch to Louis' face just before security ran over and pulled him off.

Harry was really upset, he immediately went to follow Liam. He felt like he was sent back to this weak little doormat that everyone could walk all over and he couldn't even help Louis because he had to deal with an angry Liam.

He ended having to pay for Liam to not have charges pressed against him and take him home.

That didn't make him any less mad however.

Harry was sleeping on the couch again, really upset about the day and he felt as though everything was back to the way it was. He also was so scared that Louis wouldn't want to be with him anymore.

It was his worst nightmare.

Harry: Hey...words cannot describe how sorry I am for today. This will never happen again. But I understand if you want nothing to do with me or my problems again. I love you so much and I never meant for this to happen

Harry waited in tears for Louis' reply, he was honestly scared none would come.

But one came just minutes later.

Louis: Babe this is in no way your fault and you don't have to apologize! I'm with you for the long run and I'm not going to breakup with you over something idiotic your so-called boyfriend did. I love you so much

Harry let out a sigh of relief he didn't know he'd been holding.

Harry: Thank you for being understanding...how's your face?

Louis: It hurts I won't lie. It also left a pretty bad bruise. But other than that I'm fine. Please don't worry

Harry: I'm gonna worry. I wanna come kiss it better. I can't believe Liam did that. I'm sorry again. :(

Louis: I want you to come kiss it better too. Maybe you could tomorrow? And stop apologizing!

Harry couldn't help but giggle at that as he typed a reply.

Harry: Wish I could...but Liam's not letting me leave for at least a few days.

Louis: Well that's okay. I'll see you soon. Why don't you get some sleep? It's been a long day. Love you lots xx

Harry: Love you too

With that Harry curled up under his blankets and continued to cry, he still felt so guilty about today.

He wanted things to change, but he just felt so stuck and didn't know how to make them change.

Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thanks for your support on this book! Also, we can all agree...Liam is an absolute jerk in this fic >:(
-Violet 💜

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