• chaper seven •

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TW// Domestic Abuse

The next afternoon, Liam was getting ready to go to the sports bar with some friends to watch a football game. It was something he did quite frequently, and Harry honestly enjoyed having a few hours alone in the house without any pressure. Since Liam would be eating, he didn't have to make any dinner and since he'd scrubbed the house top to bottom the day before, he didn't have to worry about cleaning either. He already had it planned out, he was going to watch Clueless and wear his favorite pjs. It was something small, sure, but Liam would never do that with him.

"Have fun darling," Harry said, kissing Liam's cheek. He was never invited, and he knew better than to ask.

"I will, thanks." Liam replied, grabbing his keys and heading for the door.

"Bye, I love you," Harry said following him so he could lock the door behind him.

"See you," Liam replied, walking out the door.

Harry sighed, locking the door behind him, trying not to be too discouraged.

Liam loved him. Harry knew he did. Otherwise why would they be together?

Harry was about halfway through the movie when he heard the door click, followed by the sound of laughter.

He paused the tv, wrapping his blanket around himself a little tighter, and stood up to see what was going on.

"Liam?" Harry asked, tilting his head a bit. He was confused, the game wasn't even supposed to start quite yet.

"Hey Harry," Liam said casually, "The bar was way too crowded, so I invited the guys to watch the game here. Thought you could make us some snacks? Since you don't like football."

Harry swallowed thickly. He felt like a total mess and Liam hadn't even had the courtesy to call beforehand so he could look more presentable. "Yeah, of course. I'll get started."

"Thanks!" One of the guys spoke, and a lot of them nodded and mumbled thank you's. They were all in high spirits and joking around, all except one, who was instead staring at him intently.

He knew those blue eyes.

"I had no clue that this Liam was your boyfriend," Louis muttered, his voice sounding heated as he walked into the kitchen where Harry was making some dip. "I mean I knew your boyfriend's name was Liam.. but I didn't think..."

Harry turned when he heard the sound of Louis' voice, his face was still bruised up and a bit puffy. He didn't say anything though, he didn't know what to say.

"I'm not even friends with him Harry, I promise. My friend Stan is one of his best mates, and so I got lugged into this," Louis explained.

Harry nodded a little bit, still silent.

"Fuck... I could kill him. I can't stand that I was hanging out with him. Makes me sick." Louis rambled, "He better watch his back or-"

Harry finally spoke then, he didn't want Louis to say a thing to Liam. "Louis you can't say anything to him. Or act weird. Please, don't even be rude to him...Please." Harry begged, more scared than anything.

"I dunno how I'm supposed to stay calm, knowing what he's doing to you." Louis said, sighing.

"You don't know anything," Harry replied, avoiding eye contact.

"Harry... last night.. at the pharmacy..."

"Look Louis, I appreciate last night. I needed that, but I said I fell. You were the one that called it bullshit." Harry replied. He knew that it was obvious what happened, and with the way he'd been crying it had only become more obvious.


"Louis, no. Please go back out to the guys," Harry said, not wanting Liam to get suspicious.

"But what if I wanna hang out with you?" Louis replied quietly. He was so patient and calm, even with Harry's mood swings.

"Louis..." Harry sighed. "I just.. we can't. It's not you, it's Liam. Any time I have any one on one time with another guy, he gets all suspicious."

He left out the part that it also resulted in yelling and sometimes hitting, because he knew Louis would not handle hearing that too well.

"That's ridiculous, does he really not trust you enough to have a conversation in the kitchen without him around?" Louis asked.

Harry nodded, "He just wants to make sure I'm loyal as his boyfriend, I mean that's what anyone would want."

"Yeah but..." Louis was about to go on about how being a loyal partner didn't mean cutting others out, but he stopped himself. He knew that was the last thing Harry would want to hear right now, and he wasn't about to push his buttons.

"But?" Harry asked after a moment, stirring the dip and staring down at it intently. He refused to look at Louis.

Louis ran his hand down his face with a sigh. "Nothing... never mind."

Harry cracked a half smile, "Thanks for not saying whatever it was. I'm sure it would've set me off."

Louis couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Yeah, I'm pretty damn sure it would."

Louis knew it was more than likely wishful thinking, but he couldn't help but hope that one day, he'd be able to talk to Harry about such topics and be able to get a genuine response. He wanted to help, and it hurt his heart to just sit back and watch.

"So Umm... how's your cheek feeling?" Louis asked, and before Harry could respond, Liam walked into the kitchen.

"I was just coming to ask you the same thing love," Liam said, planting a kiss on his cheek and making sure to be extra sweet.

"Oh.. It's Uh.. it's good yeah. It feels a lot better than yesterday," Harry said, looking at Liam nervously.

"Good, good. Maybe less basketball for you, Hm?" Liam said, and Harry's face turned beet red. He didn't know that Liam had been feeding everyone that narrative.

"Basketball? I didn't know you played basketball," Louis said, giving him a look because he knew it was complete bullshit. He knew Harry didn't play basketball.

"Oh yeah, it's not like he plays on a team, but he likes to play around with some of the guys in the neighborhood." Liam explained, tightly gripping Harry's waist to keep him on board with the story, as well as to remind him that he was his.

"Don't you baby?" He finished off, kissing Harry's cheek again gently.

"Oh.. uh yeah. Yep I do." Harry replied. He just wanted to disappear.

Liam smiled, pleased at how well Harry had played along.

"Alright Louis," Liam grabbed the bowl of dip from Harry and a bag of chips "ready for the game?"

"Nah, I've actually got a little bit of a headache. I think I'm just going to head home." Louis replied.

Liam nodded and chuckled, "Your loss."

When Liam left the kitchen, Louis looked over at Harry to see him wiping a few tears with the back of his hand.

"I'm sorry I lied..." Harry whimpered, "I don't even have a good excuse... I'm sorry."

"Harry, don't be sorry. I already knew what was going on, and you know that. Last night at the pharmacy love... that told me everything." Louis said, smiling sadly.

Harry nodded, and then once he made sure Liam was actually back with the guys, he took a deep breath.

"Can I have another one of those hugs?" He asked

Hey guys! Stella here:) hope you enjoyed the chapter! Pls vote if you did and leave any feedback 💛-Stella

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