• chapter twenty three •

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//TW: Domestic abuse and ED

"Harry?" Louis asked, as they were lying there in Louis' bed, Everleigh still sleeping.

"Yeah?" Harry asked, rubbing up and down Louis' arm, kissing his cheek.

"If I ask you something, can you promise to answer me honestly?" He asked.

"Yeah, of course. I won't lie to you Lou, you know that." Harry replied softly.

"Well... I just wondered. How's umm... how's your eating going?"

Harry froze and immediately took his hand from Louis' arm. It was something they hadn't spoken about in a long time, and he knew it was going to come up again eventually, but that didn't mean he wanted it to. "I mean..." he sighed not wanting to disappoint him, "I'm putting food into my body everyday."

"How much food though Harry?" Louis asked, knowing by his answer it still wasn't enough.

"Umm..." Harry completely avoided looking at him. "Usually a granola bar for breakfast and a salad for lunch. Dinner is hard.. I don't like eating with Liam."

"Oh Haz..." Louis said sadly, knowing that wasn't even close to enough food. "We've gotta get you eating more. I'm worried love."

The worry they were each feeling for each other didn't leave much room for happiness unfortunately, and they both desperately wanted that to change.

"I'm sorry, I don't want to worry you Lou. It's just hard. I don't know how to fix it... it's how I've lived for a long time." Harry said, as Louis took his frail hand and held it in his warm one.

"I know, it's not going to change overnight, but maybe we can make some baby steps? I can help you create a meal plan?" Louis suggested.

"Yeah... yeah we can do that. Thanks for caring, it means a lot." Harry said, his voice quiet.

"Of course. I love you, and just want to see you better... and happy." Louis replied, kissing his cheek.

The next day, Harry was feeding Everleigh her breakfast when he got a call from Mitch. Before he could even get to the phone, Liam picked up, putting it on speaker.

"Hello?" Liam answered.

"Liam? It's Mitch, can I talk to Harry please?" He asked.

"He's right here, say hi Harry." Liam said, giving Harry a look.

"Hey Mitch, what's up?" Harry spoke, a little nervous because he didn't want Liam listening to his phone call. He knew Mitch wouldn't spill any secrets knowing that Liam was listening but he still didn't like that Liam would hear whatever was said.

"I have great news, there's a new lingerie company that's looking for models, and they want you to be the face of the company! I told them I'd talk to you first of course, but I think this could be a great opportunity for you H."

Harry broke out into a grin, totally forgetting Liam's presence for a moment. He was all about pushing boundaries and gender norms, and this was right up his alley.

"Mitch that's incredible! Of course I want to do it. Tell them yes!" Harry said, over the moon about this. He was really skyrocketing in popularity, and this was a fantastic opportunity.

"Great, I'll tell them." Mitch replied, "I'll send you an email with details once I have more info. See ya soon."

"Sounds good, bye!" Harry's voice was full of excitement. The moment he hung up and looked at Liam though, all the excitement drained from his face.

"You're a man Harry." Liam said coldly, "You shouldn't be taking jobs like this. It's going to damage your image, and my image too. How could you do something so selfish?! You need to call Mitch back and tell him you changed your mind."

Harry gave him a hard stare, "No."

Liam's face turned red with anger. "Don't give me that! I'm done with this entitled attitude you've had lately."

"Well I'm done with you telling me what to do. I'm your boyfriend. You should be supportive. All you ever do is tear me down Liam." He said, wanting to scream, but he was keeping his tone calm for Everleigh who didn't need to hear this fighting.

"Harry I'm looking out for you. You know everything I do is for you! I have your best interest at heart and you know that!"

"Liam." Harry looked at him, making eye contact. "Stop yelling. You're going to scare the baby."

Liam huffed, shoving Harry's arm and storming off, leaving Harry in tears.

What was meant to be exciting news had turned into something so upsetting. Harry was quiet as he kept feeding little Everleigh, trying to focus on how excited for him he knew Louis would be.

That, was enough to make him smile.

After finishing up feeding the baby, he carried her to the nursery to lay on her playmat for some tummy time, and pulled out his phone.

He couldn't wait a minute longer, he had to share the news with Louis.

H: Lou! Guess what??

He waited a few minutes for Louis' reply, watching Everleigh as he did. She was making the cutest little gurgles and would smile whenever she looked at him, it was the sweetest thing.

L: What?:)

Harry didn't waste a second and quickly responded.

H: I'm going to be the face of a new lingerie brand! Can you believe it?? I can't wait:)

L: Harry that's incredible! The next time I see you we're celebrating. Chocolate strawberries, champagne, everything :)

Harry grinned, his cheeks all red and blushing.

H: Can't wait! xx

He pocketed his phone, still unable to wipe the smile from his face.

He just couldn't wait until the day when he'd be able to live with Louis, to have him there when he received news like this.

"Soon." He whispered to himself, knowing he was getting closer and closer everyday.

He then knelt down on the ground beside Everleigh, playing with her and trying to just focus on the positives in his life right now. That's what was pushing him forward.

Hey guys! Hope you liked the chapter! More to come soon:))) I appreciate all the feedback!! Thanks for reading!


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