• chapter six •

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//TW: ED and domestic abuse

Harry's eyes opened and he was immediately hit with a splitting headache. He groaned, realizing how hungover he was and how much he just wanted to lay in bed.

But he got up, knowing Liam had a list of chores/things for him to do before he got home. Although, when he sat up he noticed a familiar face on the ground next to him.

That's when it all came back to him, everything from the day before. "L-Louis?" He asked shakily, seeing him open his eyes and he panicked.

"Morning love" Louis mumbled groggily, his voice raspy from sleep. Even though Harry found that insanely hot, he quickly pushed the thought deep down and got upset. "Y-You need to leave...like now" Harry said quickly, sounding so worried.

"If my boyfriend ever found out you were here. God I'm so stupid..." Harry ranted as he got out of bed, noticing he'd been changed and he panicked even more. "We didn't like...do anything? Did we?" He asked

Louis sat up, shaking his head and yawning. "No...you called me drunk because you fell and I came here to help since you were bleeding. I tried to leave but you said you didn't want to be alone," Louis explained "why would you think we did anything?"

Harry just blushed in response to that. "I dunno but you have to go...like right now" Harry told him, getting so anxious about everything he had to do and that Liam would find out about Louis staying the night. He was trying to stand his ground and be intimidating for Louis but he couldn't, he felt so sick from his hangover and he was so anxious that it was hard to be anything but.

"Alright, well you just call me if you need anything else this weekend. I'm sorry you got hurt" Louis said sweetly, which just made Harry get so flustered and upset.

"Just stop talking to me like that! I have a boyfriend and you have no right to just...god I don't even know. Just leave! I shouldn't even have asked you to spend the night!" Harry snapped, getting very frustrated and his head was pounding.

"Okay, no need to get upset. I'm leaving" Louis told him as he got up. He put his hands up in surrender and grabbed this stuff and left, not knowing the level of anxiety Harry was feeling.

After forcing a small breakfast of two granola bars down his belly, a very hungover Harry grabbed the list Liam set for him to finish and he panicked. There was a lot on here and he was scared he wouldn't get it all done in time for Liam to get back.

First of all he didn't feel well because of his hangover, and he'd been up until around 2:30 am drinking, and then having Louis help him into bed after getting wasted.

He had no idea how he would get this done.

Despite all of the odds, Harry put his hair back into a messy bun and got to work. He was really not wanting to do any of this but he started anyways.

He was working, cleaning every little inch of the house because that's what Liam had wanted, when he got a call. "Hello?" He picked up his phone, seeing Liam's caller ID. "I'll be home in about two hours, you better have everything done" Liam snapped at him, causing Harry's stomach to drop.

"Liam...you weren't supposed to be here until tomorrow. I dunno if I can get all of this done" Harry said quickly, sounding so timid and so nervous as he spoke.

Liam wasn't having any of this, he already sounded mad. "I don't care! There's absolutely no excuse, you had all day after work and all day today. I want it done." Liam told him angrily, sounding so horrible and mean.

"Okay..." Harry whispered, hanging up the phone with Liam and tearing up because he knew there was no possible way he could get any of this done in 2 hours. Tears fell everywhere he cleaned, going as quick as his body would take him until he heard the door open and he panicked.

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