• chapter ten •

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//TW: ED and Domestic Abuse

Needless to say Louis was shocked.

He froze up the second Harry's lips crashed into his. It was a little messy at first just because it was kind of an erratic move on Harry's part but once that initial shock was gone it was a little smoother.

"Harry....I-..." Louis whispered in between kisses when Harry pulled away for air. "Not that I hate this. But uh...what about Liam?" Louis asked breathlessly, looking into Harry's eyes.

"You make me feel so much better than Liam...and I think I've had feelings for you for a while...so just kiss me." Harry told him, having his fingers in Louis' hair and he couldn't get enough of the smell of Louis' cologne.

"You don't realize how long I've been waiting for this..." Louis grinned as he placed his hands on Harry's waist, pulling him closer and connected their lips once again.

Fashion week started promptly the next morning. Harry was already at work before either him or Louis could really even process what was going on between the two of them.

This was obviously a very new experience for Harry as he'd never been to Fashion week before, so he was very stressed because he wanted everything to go perfectly.

He got there very early, 6 am to be exact, and he hit the runway at 12. After that it was a day full of clothing changes and runways, all the way until the models were released for the day. Harry knew that this was going to be a long week of hard work, and very minimal sleep.

First things first was a fitting, all of the models in the show were all there and everyone was busy with outfits. Designers were there with measuring tapes, outfits, and accessories to make sure everyone had on the right outfit.

Harry stood there, just in his boxers as he was being fitted for his outfit for the first show. He had a coffee in his hand and Mitch was standing in front of him, talking to him about his schedule for the day as a designer was getting his measurements.

"Damn Harry. What did you get into last night?" Mitch asked knowingly, gesturing to his neck, just below his jaw where he had a fresh love bite. "Or should I say who?" Mitch asked again jokingly

Harry's eyes widened ever so slightly and a hand went up and touched his neck. He had not realized that had been there and he wasn't necessarily ready to talk to anyone about Louis yet. Hell, he didn't even really know what was going on yet. It had all happened so quickly.

"Oh that? It's from Liam...I'm surprised you didn't see it yesterday. Who else would it be from?" Harry lied, trying to play it off as something that Liam gave him.

"Bullshit Harry, I seriously don't think you had that yesterday." Mitch said, sounding so skeptical.

"Well it is from him, don't ask stupid questions..." Harry mumbled defensively. Mitch was about to say something else but Harry was being hurried off to try on an outfit.

Harry was so thankful for the designer who had pulled him off.

The day was going by so quickly, Harry barely even had time to use the bathroom, let alone think.

He was in his first outfit, lined up with the other models, ready to start walking the runway. His first outfit was a very noisy, flamboyant suit that had loud colors and bell bottomed pant legs. He was wearing that with platformed boots, with a slight heel, that added a few inches to his height. His hair was down and parted down the middle, makeup covering his face but not distracting from the outfit.

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