• chapter eleven •

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TW:// Eating Disorders

Fashion week was a rollercoaster for Harry. There was so much more to it than he had realized, and honestly, he was having a lot of fun. He spent every mealtime with Louis, and pulled him along to all the after parties, because well, he hated going about it alone. Mostly though, he was just trying to soak up every moment he had with Louis because he knew things would go back to how they were the second he was back home with Liam.

Along with the parties of course, came lots of food and drinks. Harry at first, avoided any snacks or drinks, for fear of any possible weight gain.

The third night they were there though, he gave in. He started with a cocktail and some cheesecake, and everything just spiraled from there. His body had been deprived of food for so long, that he was in full binge mode. He had this ravenous hunger that just couldn't be filled.

He ate and ate and ate. Any time there were snacks nearby, he loaded up. He told himself that the second he got home he'd be right back to his diet.

He just wanted to have a little fun.

You'll pay for these sins later, the little voice in the back of his head reminded him as he grabbed a sandwich, some soda and a bag of chips from the snack table. It was the fifth day, and Harry was feeling confident and relaxed. Nothing had gone wrong, the brands and photographers were loving him... it was perfect. That stupid voice though, had a way of putting a damper on things that's for sure.

"Hey H," Louis smiled, approaching him. They both had an hour break, and of course wanted to spend it together. He smiled even wider when he saw Harry was loading up his plate. What he thought was progress, was actually kind of the opposite. Sometimes, like many with eating disorders, he'd hit a point where cravings got to be too much, and he'd overindulge. Sometimes to the point of sickness.

"Louis! Hi!" Harry replied, waiting for Louis to get some food before following him to a table to sit.

"How's it been going?" Louis asked, trying to act casual and hide the excitement he was currently feeling at the sight of Harry eating.

"Good," Harry responded, taking a bite of his sandwich. "I'm really enjoying this, more than I thought I would honestly."

"That's great Harry. What's been your favorite part?" Louis asked, digging into his own food.

"Besides kissing you..." Harry smirked, "probably getting to try on so many different outfits. Like. There's so many styles, patterns, colors... I love it." He said, his green eyes shiny and bright.

Louis smiled softly at the response. He loved seeing Harry in such high spirits.

And, well, hearing that their kisses was Harry's favorite part of this experience, only made things better.

2 days later and it was their final day. "Can't believe it's already almost over," Harry said, pulling his hair up into a messy bun as he stood in front of the mirror. It was five am, and he couldn't be bothered to do much else with it, especially since the stylists would be changing it up anyway.

"I know..." Louis sighed, getting his camera gear all ready and packed into his bag for the day. "Im gonna miss this... like a lot."

"Me too..." Harry admitted. "This isn't the end of us though okay? When we get home... we'll figure it out. We can make it work."

Louis nodded his head, mumbling to himself quietly under his breath. "I hope so..." With the way Harry acted toward Liam, he knew it was going to be harder for Harry to leave than he realized.

He really hoped he'd get the courage to do it though, and soon. Harry deserved so much better.

Harry walked into the fitting room, yawning and cozy in his sweats. "Mr Styles, good to see you." One of the designers spoke, approaching him with an armful of clothes. "I'm thinking I'll have you in the pastels collection today."

Harry nodded, staring at the clothes in his arms, and practically drooling. Every piece was gorgeous.

"Let's start with this one," the designer said, handing him a lavender colored two piece. It was an open vest with a skirt, and to Harry it looked like a dream. He stripped down to his boxers so he could get fitted but was immediately met with a gasp.

"Harry, oh goodness this just won't do." The designer said, gasping a little. "I'm going to have to find you a different outfit, we can't have you out there with your belly poking out like that."

Harry froze. Nervously, he looked down and saw that indeed, his tummy was all bloated and swollen. "Shit..." he mumbled under his breath. All the sodium and alcohol had caught up to him and left him all puffy and swollen.

"Ella?" The designer called out to one of the makeup artists. "I'm going to find Mr Styles, a different outfit. One that's more appropriate for his body. While I do that, can you come contour his face? It needs some work, his cheeks are looking puffy."

Harry's face turned bright red. See? Paying for your sins. Just as expected, you pig. He shuddered as his thoughts only grew worse from there.

The makeup artist, Ella, approached him with her makeup kit in hand, and he trembled a little with fear.

"I need the restroom quickly, if that's alright? I won't be more than five minutes." He said, sweat starting to bead at the back of his neck.

"I suppose, but you have to hurry. We're on a tight schedule you know."

Harry nodded quickly. "Yes, I know. Thank you!"

He nearly tripped over his own feet as he rushed to the bathroom. The first thing he did was inspect himself in the mirror, lifting his hoodie and seeing his little bloat.


Fighting back tears, he hurried into one of the stalls, dropping to his knees, and shoving his fingers down his throat.

He was never going to let this happen again.

Hey guys! It's stella :) hope you enjoyed the chapter, I was in the worst mood and was struggling to write haha but yeah. Please leave feedback if you have any! Thanks for reading 💛

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