The Train Ride Home

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Finally, the time has come to leave my amazing first journey behind and wait for my new one. My suitcase drags along behind me and I hand my owl to a Train Helper. He places it in the Carriage and takes my suitcase. Thomas and Dylan do the same. I turn to them when they finish loading.

"You guys ready to come home?" I ask.

"Well. We arent really going home home, but, I guess we are kinda going home." Dylan says.

"Yeah. We will be okay alright." I smile. They nod and we link arms. Hagrid is ushering everyone towards the carriage.

"Come one now. Hurry up. Trains leaving. Go on. Hurry up. Come on." He shouts.

We head to the carriage where Hermione and Ron are waiting.

"Wheres everyone else?" I ask.

"They went inside to get a room." Hermione replies. Harry starts to walk towards us.

"Hurry up Harry." Hermione says. He stops.

"One minute." He replies. He walks back to Hagrid.

"Now where is he off to?" Dylan moans. We watch as Harry and Hagrid talk to each to each other. Hagrid hands Harry a book.

"What do you think is in it?" I ask.

"Dunno." Ron replies.

"Well whatever it is, can he get a move one? Its boiling out here." Thomas moans.

And hes right. Its scorching. The sun is closer and some of the grass is burnt. And then theres the Flare. Caused by sun flares reaching the earth. I have decided to tell everyone about what Dumbledore told me but leave out the part that Thomas and Dylans parents have the Flare.

I turn back around to face everyone and Harry returns.

"Feels strange to be going home, doesnt it?" Hermione asks.

"Im not going home. Not really." He replies. We smile and head into the train just as the whistle goes. We close the door and wave goodbye to Hagrid. He waves at everyone in the carriages. We continue to wave until Hogwarts fades into the distance.

We walk down the carriages to find our carriage room.

"What do you mean by you arent really going home?" I ask Harry. He laughs.

"The Dursleys arent my home." He replies. I give him a puzzled look.

"They are my Aunt and uncle and my horrible cousin Dudley." He says disgusted.

I nod. We find our carriage and walk in. Its a miracle that everyone could fit. But maybe they found a bigger room instead of the smaller ones.

"Hiya." I call.

"Hey." They reply. I sit inbetween Dylan and Thomas with Dylan by the window and Thomas by Bryony. There is constant chatter. Naomi and Katie and the boys are getting the most use out of their wands as we cant use them at home. They have alreay made some books hover and land on Ron, followed by a series of ouchs and sorrys. After a while, the chatter dies down and I find my moment to tell them.

"Um guys? " I ask. They looks at me.

"Whats up G?" Naomi asks.

"Yeah. Whats wrong?" Thomas asks.

"Okay. Look out the window. The Sun is bigger right?" I say. They all look out the window. There are meadows and streams and then there is the sun.

"Oh my god. It is as well! Why?" Bryony cries.

"Yeah. Its not everyday that the sun is that close!" Poppy calls. They turn to me, shocked.

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