First glimpses

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We quickly change into our robes and pocket all the remaining sweets. We leave our compartment and head to the doors. The train comes to a halt and the door opens up. A big sign over head shows us that we are in Hogsmeade station. We step onto the platform and make our way to the front of the group. A light comes from the distance and a giant figure looms over us.

"Firs' years.  This way please. C'mon firs' years don' be shy!" A loud voice shouts.  I recognise him as the giant that I saw with Harry.

"Hello Hagrid!" Harry says to the man.

"Woah!" Says Ron.  Staring at Hagrid.

"This way to the boats. C'mon.!" Says Hagrid. We follow him down a windy path only lit by the lamps we are holding. We walk for a couple of minutes and end up at a vast lake. I look around for a way across and notice that two boys are looking at me. One has black/brown hair and the other has blonde. We meet eyes but they drop it almost immediately.  I see a smile has formed on the black haired boys face. He was gorgeous. Oh my god. I'm eleven! Stop!

I turn back around and feel the boys eyes on my back.  But when I look up, those thoughts leave my head. In front of me on the lake, are 2 dozen wooden boats. The light wind makes the boats bob and it makes me feel odd.

"Right, 6 to a boat tops! " calls Hagrid. I walk forwards and clamber into a boat in front of me. Harry and Ron sit in the front holding the lamp. Hermione comes and sits next to me. The two boys I saw come and sit in the back of our boat. I feel anxious. I like the dark haired boy. His friend seems nice though.

"Onward!" Hagrid yelled. Suddenly, the boats moved forwards on their own. We were overwhelmed by the castle that was perched on a giant cliff/ island thing. We all stared and there were woops and gasps as everyone saw it. We didnt even realise that we had actually got to the cliff edge and the boats bumped into the wall.

To the right of the boat was a long wooden board walk. We clambered out our boats and followed Hagrid up some steep marble steps that lead into the castle.

"Oh my god." I whisper to Hermione. She smiles and links arms with me.

Me and Hermione walked together, Harry and Ron walked together and the two boys from earlier walked behind me. I could feel their eyes on my back again. After a couple of minutes walk up the steps, we came up to the giant doors. Hagrid pushed them open and we entered. We turned through a few corridors; the walls covered in paintings. We ended up at the bottom of a marble staircase. Hagrid left us and we climbed the stairs. There were a lot of murmurs from everyone.

We made our way to the front and a woman stood at the top waiting for us. She wore emerald green robes and hat.

"May I have your attention? In a few moments you will pass through these doors and join your classmates,  but before you do you must be sorted into your houses." She said. She had a very stern expression. And I knew not to get on the wrong side of her.

I looked to Hermione and she looked nervous. That's a first. When I met her, she was very outgoing.

"The houses are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin." She looked rather awkward when she said Slytherin. Well I would be too considering the wizard who went dark belonged in that house.

"We will start moment early!" With that she left and we all stood waiting.

"So its true then!" A voice called from my left. It was the blonde haired boy from Madam Malkins. The boy I don't like.

"Harry Potter has come to Hogwarts!" He added. There were murmurs from the crowd along with a few gasps and odd remarks. Can't people accept privacy?

"Harry Potter?" Said the dark haired boy from behind me. I ignored him and concentrated on what the boy was saying.

"This is Crabbe and Goyle." He jerked his thumb towards two boys to his left; they looked rather horrible.

"And im Malfoy. Draco Malfoy!" Ron sniggered at the name. I almost laughed. What kind of name is that?

"Think my names funny do you? No need to ask yours. Red hair and a hand me down robe?  You must be a Weasley!" He added to Ron with a smirk. Ron looked really hurt.

"You'll soon find out that some people are better than others Potter. I can help you there!" Malfoy stuck out his hand expecting Harry to shake it.

I was going to shout for Harry to not shake hands with this idiot but he got there before me.

"I think I can tell the wrong sort for my self thanks." Said Harry. Yes Harry.

I sniggered. So did Hermione.  Malfoy looked like had more to say, but the woman returned and patted him on the shoulder.

Malfoy turned to face Harry, gave him a glare and then walked back over to his two friends. Me and Hermione exchanged glances as we tried not to laugh.

The woman looks down at us all and makes eye contact with Harry. He shrugs it off and we all wait for what she has to say.

"We are ready for you now!" She said.

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