Flying practice

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We all walk into the Great Hall and sit down for lunch. We each pile our plates with bacon, eggs and sandwiches. A boy named Seamus has his wand out and is aiming a spell at his goblet of water.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum. Turn this water into rum!" He looks at his goblet and shakes his head. He starts his spell again.

"Whats Seamus doing to that glass of water?" Harry asks Ron as he holds his fork in his hand.  Me, Dylan and Thomas listen in.

"Turning it to rum. He actually managed a weak tea yesterday,  before..." Ron starts but is cut off by a loud bang. A wisp of smoke and sparks erupt from Seamus's goblet and his hair goes black. Everyone laughs.

"Well. That worked! " I whisper to Dylan and Thomas.  They laugh and nod.  Suddenly a screech erupts from the end of the hall and a flock of owls fly in with notes and packages in their beaks.

"Ah. Mails here! " calls Ron.

Packages and letters fall everywhere. Teresa drops something for me. I get a letter from my parents.

Hi Darling,
We hope you are enjoying your time at Hogwarts.  Had any good lessons? Meet any "Nice" teachers?  But, have you met any boys? Fill us in on all the details. We are going away to see your Aunt in America at christmas so, if its okay with you, do you want to spend Christmas at school with your friends?

See you soon,
Mum and Dad.

I look up at Dylan embarrassed.  He seemed to have read it.

"In answer to the question: yes, Harry has met some boys and she is going out with the most handsome boy in her House. Moi!" Laughs Dylan. I roll my eyes at him.

"So true. " I reply.  He kisses me and reads his letter.

"Hey. Turns out im staying at Hogwarts as well!" He says with a smile.

"Ha. So am I!" Thomas adds and puts his letter down on the table.

"Well. What an interesting Christmas this will be." I laugh.

"Hey look. Nevilles got a rememberall!" Calls a boy. We look up and see the chubby boy holding a glass ball.

"Oh ive read about those. When the smoke turns red, it means you have forgotten something!" Hermione states as we look at Neville.

The smoke turns red and Neville looks disappointed.

"Only thing is, I cant remember what I've forgotten." He says.

"Hey guys. And you, Harriet, Dylan and Tom." Calls Harry. We lean over and listen.

"Someone broke into Gringotts. Listen, believed to be the work of dark witches and wizards unknown, Gringotts Goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist nothing was taken. The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that very same day." He says, confused.

I look to Hermione then Dylan. They seem as curious as me.

"Thats strange. Thats the same vault Hagrid and I went to." Says Harry.

"Strange." Says me and Dylan.

We leave lunch and head down to the fields for our very first flying lesson.

"Kill me now. Look. Slytherin!" Cries Dylan.

"Bloody hell.  Why Slytherin?" Asks Thomas.

"Guys.  Just forget about it." I say.

We line up by the brooms and wait for Madam Hooch, our teacher. Finally she comes.

"Good afternoon class!" She calls. We all say good afternoon.

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