Whats Diagon Alley?

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I stare at them. This is a joke, surely. They are messing with me because they know I have school tomorrow. And I hate school. They do love a joke.

But their faces tell no sign of lies. I re-read the letter a few more times and it clearly states that I am a witch. But this isn't possible. Science states that they can't be real!

"Oh Daniel.  Its another trip to Diagon Alley then." Says mum. She smiles and she looks really happy. I'm completely missing things out. What is this?

"Whats Diagon Alley? And what do you mean 'another trip'?" I question. Im completely confused and I have no idea what they are on about. Mum and Dad look at each other and smile. What's with the smiling?

"Harry.  Your mother and I both went to that school." Says dad. I stare at him. Then at the letter. What?

"So youre both a witch and wizard." I ask, completely dumbfounded. This is ridiculous.

"Yes. I bet you never wondered why the washing was done ao quickly. Or why the house is so clean. We did it with magic." Says mum. Magic?

I stare at them.  Then I think; well, everything was done quickly and the house is always really tidy, but I never thought that much about it. I'm starting to question my own judgement about this whole situation.

"But whats Diagon Alley?" I ask them and shuffle in my chair. That's my burning question. What's diagon alley?

"It is a magical place full of witches and wizards,  and you buy everything you need for school there." Replies dad with exaggerated hand gestures and prancing around the kitchen.

I stare.  My mouth is open wide and I cant believe what I am hearing. I pinch my arm. Nope im not dreaming. Maybe this isn't a joke.

"When will we go there? " I ask, im starting to get a little excited about all this.

Mum and dad look at each other and do that thing that parents do when they look at each other and talk with their minds. It's weird.

"Tomorrow. Because you start school in September and we will be going on holiday next month. So we need all the time we have got." Says mum as she runs a hand through her short ish hair.

I literally fall off my chair. Im so excited. I look at the time. Its lunch time but im not hungry. Dad has made some sandwiches.  I can barely eat them though; im amazed and still a little shocked at what I have just been told.

I thank them for lunch and go back to my room and mum hands me a book.

"This is Hogwarts: A History," she says," it tells you everything about the school."

I thank her and open it. Its an amazing book. I read the first few chapters and im called for tea. That went quickly.  We have lasagne it's my favourite. Always has been and always will be.

I eat it very quickly and go back to my book. Its really interesting.  It mentions famous wizards and wands a lot. Im going to get a wand!! Im really excited.

It also says that Hogwarts is a boarding school. So I can only go home during the holidays. Which is okay but I know that I will miss my parents. But hopefully I will actually make some friends. I don't really have many.

I decide to go to bed and I turn off my light; tomorrow is a big day. A big big day. And I can't wait.

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