The numbers

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They were on my arm when I woke up. My left arm. Bold and in black. They seem to be tattooed, as they wont wash off. But how did they get there? And if they are tattooed, then why do I not feel any pain? But most of all, why the numbers 71526483 ?

"Guys. I need to show you something!" I say as I enter the main part of the commom room. Dylan, Thomas, Harry, Hermione, Ron, Blake and Poppy are all sat in the commom room doing some more revision. Dylan quickly jumps up and over a chair and places his hands on my arms.

"Whats wrong?" He asks calmly as everyone else walks over to us. They are all as confused amd curious as him. Thomas places his hand on my left arm and faces the others. I look at them and can feel tears welling in my eyes.

"I-I had the dream again last night." I say.

"Was anything different?" Whispers Dylan. I look at him and nod.

"I was in the metal box again. And this time, a bright light shone down through a hole in the ceiling and someone climbed in. I dont know who it was." I say. But I kinda lie. I don't know exactly who it was as it could be anyone, but I know who it looked like. Dylan.

They all look at me confused. I then look down to my left arm and pull up my sleeve. They all gasp.

"Then when I woke up, these were on my arm!" I break into tears and Dylan and Thomas embrace me. They are my best friends.

"How did they get there Harriet?" Asks Harry. I look at him.

"I dont know." I whisper.

"Well, the shank that did this to you is gonna bloody pay." Cries Thomas.

I look up to them both and smile.

"Thanks guys." I say. Thomas laughs.

"Boom. American accent right there. I think you two have been spending too much time together!" He jokes.

"Well that and I have American cousins." I giggle. Harry steps in.

"Come on now. We have to get to lessons. Remember, end of term tests." He says. I look at him.

"Shuck it. Are they really today?" I ask worryingly. They all nod.

"Okay. I will revise on the way." I say.

"And after lessons, we are taking you to Madam Pomfrey. There is something not right about those numbers Harriet." Says Dylan.

"Fine." I sigh but smile at him. He takes my hand and I grab my books and wand.

"Lets go." Says Poppy.

"Bloody hell. How did they expect us to remember the types of fungi and herbs to make a sleeping draft?" Moans Ron.

"Well I think we all did very well!" Smiles Poppy. Shes like the sun in our group, always shining in the darkest and saddest of times. Her, Blake, Hermione, Ron and Harry all get into deep conversation. Me and Dylan hover at the back.

"What am I gonna do?" I ask holding up my arm showing the horrible numbers.

"I dont know Harry. But I have a bad feeling that they are there for a reason. There is something behind those numbers and we need to find out what! " he says

"Well there is mostly blood, arteries, nerves and muscle behind them!" I joke. He gives me a slight push.

"Okay okay!" I laugh.

"Hey guys. We need to go to Pomfrey remember." Shouts Dylan to the rest of the group.

"Aww. Your girlfriend sick again? Shame." Says a horrible voice behind us. We turn around to face the person. Malfoy.

"Id be careful Malfoy. Carry on like that and the last thing you will see is my fist in your face!" Shouts Ron.

"Sticking up for her as well? Why arent you great friends. Im sure she can stick up for herself though!" Says Malfoy. Dylan lets go of my hand and goes for Malfoy but Thomas and Harry grab his robes.

"Careful O'Brien. Don't want to look stupid in front of your friends now would you? " he mocks.

"Leave it Dylan. Hes not worth it." Says Thomas calmly. I grab Dylans hand and leave. Malfoy and his friends still laughing behind us.

Soon we arrive in the Hospital wing. We walk up to Madam Pomfrey and she looks surprised.

"What are you lot doing here?" She asks. Dylan looks to me and I give him a look to say please don't make me say it.

"When Harriet woke up this morning, there was something odd with her arm. Show her Harriet." Says Dylan calmly. Madam Pomfrey looks to me and I lift up my sleeve.

"Oh my. How did they get here?" She asks worryingly.

"I dont know. They were just there when I woke up." I reply.

"What shall we do?" Ask Thomas and Harry.

"I have never seen anything like this. I will be right back. Harriet, take a seat." I nod then look at the others as I sit on a bed.

"Whats happening to me?" I ask.

"We dont know. But the shank that did this to you, one of my best friends, is gonna bloody pay." Says Thomas.

"Hey. Dont worry. We are all here for you." Says Dylan and he pecks my lips. I smile then look out the window. Hang on. The sun is definitely getting closer.

"Hey guys-" I say but am cut off as Madam Pomfrey is back, with Dumbledore.

"Show me your arm Harriet." He says, but not gruffly. I pull up my sleeve and he holds my arm. The others crowd around me.

"This is not Wizard work. Harriet, there is nothing we can do. You just need to leave the numbers alone. I dont know why they are there or what they are for. But, I did hear about your dreams." He says. I look at the others confused.

"And I think the numbers on your arm, and your dreams, are linked in some way. That is all I can say." And he walks off. Linked? How?

"Well. Off you go. You heard what he said, there isnt anything we can do. Just forget about them dear." Says Madam Pomfrey. I nod then leave the Hospital wing with everyone.

"Linked? How can they be linked?" I say. This doesnt seem right.

"I dont know. Just think about it. But in the meantime, we nees to get back to the dormitory, then go for dinner. And then tomorrow its the holidays!" Says Dylan.

"Yeah. I guess. Are you guys going away or staying here?" I ask.

"Staying." Says Dylan, Thomas, and Harry.

"Going." Says Ron and Hermione.

"We are staying. And I heard that Dan, Phil, Naomi and Katie are staying as well." Says Blake with a smile.

"Cool. Lets get ready for the holidays." I laugh as I link arms with my best friends.

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