Harrys first Quidditch match

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We leave the castle and head over to the Quidditch grounds. Along the way, four people join us. I recognise them as people from Gryffindor. Thomas instantly walks over to them; he must know them. They introduce themselves as Naomi, Dan, Katie and Phil.

"Hi. Im Harriet." I say weakly, still holding onto Dylan.

"Im Naomi. Are you alright? You look really pale." Says Naomi. I try to tell her whats wrong but I cant. Dylan understands and tells her.

"She fainted and she hasnt really felt the same since she got here." He says.

"Oh dear. Well get better soon. Can we hang with you at the match? " she asks. We all nod and introduce ourselves to each other. Within minutes we are at the stands and we find seats. I had some trouble climbing the stairs but Dylan and Thomas help. We take our seats at the front and we say goodbye to Harry.

"Good luck Harry." We all say.

"Thanks guys. Lets hope we win or Slytherin are going to be in our faces for the rest of the year." He replies. And he leaves. I notice that Dan and Naomi are dating and Katie and Phil are to.

"So Harry, you got a boyfriend?" Asks Katie. I look up and smile. I nod as I just dont have the effort to talk.

"Oo. Who?" She asks eagerly. I motion to Dylan and she winks.

"You?" I croak. She giggles.

"Yeah. Phil!" She says and she turns away to talk to Phil. I lean my head on Dylans shoulder and a chill sweeps across me; I shiver.

"You alright Harry?" Asks Dylan, his arm around me. I nod.

"This doesnt make any sense, you know. You have only had like what, 2 to 3 dreams and now you just arent you. You faint and now you are ill." Says Dylan, worry and curiosity in his voice. But my reply is drowned out by the commentating of Lee Jordan and the cheers from the school as the players step onto the pitch.

"Hello and welcome to Hogwarts' first Quidditch game of the season. Todays game, Slytherin versus Gryffindor! " calls Lee. We all cheer, even me; my strength is returning I guess. I have only just realised how nice today is. But somethings odd.

"Dylan, is it me or does the sun seem closer?" I ask.

"Why worry about the sun Harry? Worry about the shuck game!" He laughs. I guess hes right. I concentrate on the game below.

"Look. Theres Harry! "I point. Katie and Naomi lean over.

"Oh yeah." They say.

"The players take their positions as Madam Hooch steps out onto the field to begin the game!" Cries Lee. The stadium goes quiet.

"I cant wait." Says Dan.

"This is gonna be awesome!" Says Phil.

"Shhhh!" We all say. Two other fellow Gryffindor students come and sit by us, along with Hagrid. I sit up as I recognise the girl.

"You're called Poppy arent you?" I ask as she sits by me. The boy already talking to Dylan behind me, the boy sounds American.

"Yeah. Hang on, you are Harriet, arent you?!" She says, edging closer to me.

"Oh my goodness! We live in the same street!" I laugh. We shake hands.

"This is Blake." She motions to the boy behind me.

"Hey." He says and smiles.

"I was just talking to Dylan. We live in the same street in America!" He says.

"Awesome!" I laugh.

"Now I want a nice clean game, from all of you! " says Madam Hooch, looking specifically at the Slytherin captain Marcus Flint. Her voice is magnified throughout the stadium. I notice Poppy and Blake sitting together, talking and laughing. Dating.  They must be dating.

"The bludgers are up. Followed by the Golden Snitch. Remember, the Snitch is worth 150 points. The seeker that catches the Snitch wins the game!" Calls Lee over the crowd. Harry follows the Snitch, watching its every move.

Hooch grabs the quaffle and chucks it into the air.

"The Quaffle is released and the game begins!" Cries Lee. The chasers all go for the Quaffle. Chaser Angelina Johnson grabs the Quaffle and heads towards Slytherins goals. She scores!

"Angelina Johnson scores. 10 points to Gryffindor!" Lee Jordan cries.

"Well done!" Calls Hagrid.

"Slytherin take possession of the Quaffle. Bletchley passes to Captain Marcus Flint." Says Lee. They fly up to our goals and Flint chucks the Quaffle. Oliver Wood, keeper, defends the quaffle with his broom. A clear smirk on his face.

Angelina once again, has the quaffle. She flys up to the goals and scores.

"Another ten points to Gryffindor! " Lee calls.

"Yeah!" Calls Hagrid.

"Yay!" Calls Gryffindor. Slytherin try to score again, but Wood blocks it.

"Give me that!" Cries Flint. He is given a bat and he hits a bludger towards Oliver, it hits him in the stomach and he falls to the ground.

We all start booing. The look on Harys face though. Flint jumps over Fred or George and scores. We all start booing again.

"Take that side. " yells Flint. Him and some of his team gang up on either side of Angelina.

"What are they doing?" I ask to no one.

"Oh my god! " I cry; Angelina is pushed into the banners on a tower and she falls to the ground. Boos erupt all over the crowd and Slytherin score. Thats when we see the gold. Harry sees it to. He charges after the Snitch. Suddenly, his broom starts bucking.

"Woah. Woah. Argh!" He calls.

"Whats going on with Harrys broomstick?" Asks Hagrid.

"Someone, do something! " say Me, Poppy, Dylan and Blake. Hermione looks through her binoculars.

"Its Snape. Hes jinxing the broom!" Cries Hermione.

"Jinxing the broom? What do we do?" Cries Ron. We all look to her.

"Leave it to me!" And with that she leaves. Ron takes her binoculars and concentrates on Harry.

"Come on Hermione!" He wines.

"Whats happening?" I cry, grabbing the binoculars. Then I see Harry, dangling from his broom, only holding on with one hand. I look over to the stand where Snape is amd see that he is on fire.

"She set fire to Snapes robes. Well done Hermione! " I say to everyone.

"Yes!" They all cry.

"Go go go!" Cries Hagrid. Harry pulls himself back on his broom and speeds off towards the Slytherin seeker. He buts into the seeker but is hit back. They both dive, following the Snitch.

"They are gonna hit the ground!" Cries Thomas. The Slytherin seeker pulls up but Harry doesnt.

"Hes gonna crash!" I scream.

"Hes not. Look!" Calls Dylan. Harry quickly pulls up, only a metre away from the ground. He begins to stand up on his broom. The Snitch is only a metre or so in front of him. We are all leaning on the edge of our seats. But then Harry leans to far forward and he falls off his broom. He stands up and lurches.

"Looks like hes gonna be sick!" Says Hagrid. Harry lurches forward and something falls into his hand.

"Hang on a sec...!" I start.

"He has caught the Snitch. Harry Potter recieves 150 points for catching the Snitch!" Cries Lee.

"Gryffindor win!" Calls Hooch. She blows her whistle ending the game.

"Yay!" Everyone cheers. Harry holds up the Snitch and cheers erupt throughout the stadium but not from Slytherin.

"Go go Gryffindor, Go go Gryffindor! " Everyone cheers.

"We won. We actually won!" I cry. The stadium cheers and I feel that im starting to get better. I think.

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