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We leave Hagrids hut and head back to the castle.

"Hagrids always wanted a dragon. He told me so the first time I met him." Says Harry as we enter the castle.

"Its crazy. And whats worse, Malfoy knows." Says Ron.

"I dont understand. Is that bad?" Asks Harry.

"Its bad!" Moans Ron. Across the hall from us, Proffesor Mcgonnagol is standing with a smug looking Malfoy.

"Good evening." She says.

"We are screwed." I whisper. We follow her into her class and she stands in front of us.

"Nothing, I repeat, nothing, gives a student the right to walk about the school at night." She cries.

"Therefore, as punishment for your actions, 50 points will be taken." She adds. We all stand and stare at her.

"Each. And to ensure it doesnt happen again, all seven of you will recieve detention." She says.

"Shuck it." I whisper. Dylan nods.

"Excuse me Proffesor. Perhaps I heard you wrong. I thought you said 'the 7 of us'." Says Malfoy.

Mcgonnagol turns to look at him.

"No you heard me correctly Mr Malfoy. You see, as honourable as your intentions were, you to were out of bed after hours. You will serve detention with your classmates." She says. We turn to look at Malfoy and see his smug face turn to pure distraught.

Mr Filch comes and gets us and he leads us out of the castle.

"Where are we going?" I ask Thomas.
"I dont know. But wherever we go, stay with me and Dylan." He replies.

"Pity they let the old punishments die. There was a time where detention would find you hanging by your thumbs in the dungeons. God I miss the screaming!" Filch says happily.

I look to Dylan in disgust. He looks at filch and motions him cutting his head off.

"You'll be serving detention with Hagrid tonight. Hes got a little job to do in the dark forest." Filch adds.

We round the corner and come up to Hagrids hut. Hes sat by a fire with a crossbow. He sniffles.

"Sorry lot this Hagrid. Good god man you're not still on about that bloody dragon are you?" Filch cries.

"Norberts gone. Dumble sent him off to Romania. To live in a colony." Hagrid sniffles.

"Well thats good isnt it? He will be with his own kind!" Hermione says cheerfully. We nod.

"Yeah but what if he doesn't like Romania. What if all the dragons are mean to him? Hes only a baby after all." Hagrid cries.

"Oh for god sake, pull yourself together man. You're going into the dark forest after all. Got to have your wits about you." Says Filch annoyingly.

Malfoy looks up both surprised and worried.

"The forest? I thought that was a joke. We cant go in there. Students arent allowed. And there are..."

Suddenly, from within the depths of the forest, a wolf howls.

"Werewolves! "Cries Malfoy.

"Theres more than werewolves in those trees lad. Be sure about that. Nighty night!" Filch says eerily. He leaves us with Hagrid and we watch as the lantern bobs away into the castle.

"Right. Lets go." Says Hagrid. We follow him down a path into the forest. A grip Dylans hand and Thomas stands close by. The trees tower over us. The only things we ca see are Hagrid and Malfoys lamps glowing and anything they light.

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