The wait

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I have 4 weeks left of my summer break and I am completely ready to go. I have learnt lots of spells: the fixing spell; oculus reparo, the levitation spell; wingardium leviosa, and the unlocking spell; alohamora. But im getting bored. There is nothing to do, but so much time. But, the best thing happened a few weeks ago.

I had just started reading a book on spells when mum and dad come into my room. They were holding something behind their backs. It was making a snuffling and scratching sort of sound.

"We think that, because you are off to a new school, you needed a companion. To help with messaging and a friend. And because we won't see you for your birthday." Said mum with a smile.

I looked at them confused. And that was when dad pulled out a Snowy owl. My very own pet. To take with me to School. I completely missed the section on the letter where it said I could bring a pet. I decided to call her Teresa. Dont ask why, I just loved the name.

I screamed and thanked them so much! I've never had a pet before. And she can be my new friend. My first ever friend.

She sits in her cage most of the time, on my desk, her head under her wing sleeping. When I let her out at night, she brings me dead mice and such. Its brilliant. But disgusting as well.

I keep remembering the boy from Diagon Alley. Dad told me he is called Harry Potter. Apparently he defeated the darkest and deadliest wizard ever. I read about him in a book. Lord Voldemort. Apparently Harry defeated him when he was one. Hes the boy who lived. Voldemort killed anyone that got in his way, yet a baby defeated him. It's a miracle. And he smiled at me! I hope we end up friends.

I also remebered the blonde boy in Madam Malkins. I found out that Slytherin is a house in Hogwarts. There are four houses: Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. When you get to school you get sorted into one of these houses and then, for the rest of the time you are at Hogwarts, the house will be like a sort of family.

I cant wait. I hope im in Gryffindor. It looks the best. Apparently,  Professor Dumbledore was in Gryffindor, and hes the head of Hogwarts. Voldemort was in Slytherin.  I dont know why the blonde boy wanted to be in Slytherin. 

I point to another of my books with my wand. "Accio" I say. It immediately brings the book to me. Another spell I have learnt.  I read only a few pages. "Wingardium leviosa" I point my wand at the book im holding and move it to my suitcase.  Im looking forward to actually putting these spells into some real use.

For now, I need to sleep and rest. Soon I will be at a new school, with new friends, new teachers, and having new adventures. This should be interesting.

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