Journey to Hogwarts

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I wave goodbye to mum and dad and the door closes. On the right there are many compartments that consist of a window, a small table and a long seat on either side. I begin to walk down the train and I notice that we have started moving. The station turns into the countryside and I know this is going to be different.

I pass many compartments that are full of people and kids rush past me as I walk.

I finally reach a compartment that is only occupied by a boy.  I notice that its the same boy from Diagon Alley. Harry Potter.

"Make some friends". Thats what I will do. I take a deep breath and slide open the door.

"Excuse me? Can I sit with you? Everywhere else is full." I ask with a shaky voice.

"Sure." He gestures to a space next to him. I sit down and we look at each other.  His green eyes twinkle against my brown eyes.

"Im Harriet. Harriet Bowers. " I say, trying to start some conversation.

"Im Harry. Harry Potter. " he replys.

"So your Harry Potter.  Ive heard about you. " I say, trying not to sound like I did research on him. Which is awkward enough as it is.

The look on his face tells me that I have done enough. I should have kept my mouth shut.

"Yeah. Huh. At least you didnt come up to me and say " Oh wow. Its Harry Potter! " he says sadly.

"Why do people say that?" I ask as curiosity takes over. He pulls back his fringe and reveals a lightening shaped cut on his forehead above his right eye.

" Wow. " I say. That must be from when he defeated Voldemort.

"Yeah." Harry replys.

Our conversation is cut short when a red headed boy opens the door. I saw him earlier with Harry.

"Excuse me? Do you mind? Everywhere else is full. " he asks and looks at me.

I look at Harry.

"Not at all!" Harry says. It looks as though I might have another friend. The boy takes the seat opposite me and Harry and surveys us.

"Im Ron by the way. Ron Weasley. " he says.

"Im Harriet. " I say quietly.

"Nice to meet you. " he holds out his hand and I shake it. He then turns to look at Harry.

"Im Harry. Harry Potter. " he says. Ron's jaw drops.

"So, so its true then?" Says Ron in a gasp. Harry looks confused.

"I mean, do you really have the...the" he says.

"The what?" Says Harry. He looks to me and I shrug.

"The scar!" Ron puts an emphasis on scar.

Harry pulls his fringe back and Ron gasps. Its all very quiet then a small witch opens our door and pushes a big trolley full of goodies.

"Anything off the trolley dears? " she asks.

We look to Ron.

"No thanks.  Im all set." Ron pulls out some sandwiches in plastic and sighs.

I dont say anything.

"We will take the lot!" Harry pulls out many Galleons and Sickles. He pays and comes back in with his arms loaded of sweets that I have never seen before.

We all pick something out of the pile. Harry picks Bertie Botts every flavour beans.

"They mean every flavour. Theres chocolate and peppermint.  And theres also spinach,  liver and tripe. My brother swears he got a bogey flavoured one once." Comments Ron. Harry puts down the beans in disgust. I pick out a chocolate frog and so does he. Its like Harry read my mind:

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