Chapter One, What's Life?

Start from the beginning

      After feeding Mila her two cups of dog food. I go to my bedroom bathroom and change into some gray cargo pants and a black V-neck T-shirt. Looking at myself in the mirror reminds me to put my makeup on. I put the makeup on over my tattoos. The one behind my ear represents me being Donna, my omega tattoo. It's a Dragon with one rose and a blade. The tattoo on my shoulder is the basic Rose Dragons Mafia tat. It covers a scar from when Natsue was killed... My last tattoo is three butterflies on my chest just above my left right breast. The reason I got three butterflies is that I can trick people without lying to them. Why do people put different colored ink on their skin? I just prefer my black ones simple but not too much.

      Snapping out of my trance with Mila trying to snuggle me. She is the best black Labrador ever. She comforts me when I am stressed and talented in different kinds of tricks. The thing about Mila is that I did a lot of research and studies on the other mafia dogs. To find the right combination of training and skills that I would want. I move my hand to pet her on the head thanking her.

      Now cleaning up my stuff, locking the bedroom and den door. I have people come over to feed Mila. In the mornings I have a dog walker take Mila on a morning walk and feed her. In the evenings I have the neighbor's daughter Hanna come over and feed her dinner. I tend to come to the apartment daily but things sometimes happen at the Walkers and so...

      Turning on my personal and clicking the app for the camera's. I don't trust people but I need help caring for Mila. She is my relaxation when people can't get close to me. So, I didn't leave with the twins for the moment. Instead I took her with me, I tend to do the same for some long missions too.

      After double checking the cameras are working. I closed the gate I installed so Mila can't leave the living room. Check the kitchen for any food left out and make sure the instruction on how to take care of Mila is out. Now grabbing my crappy bag full of school stuff, two knives, Butter, and my reading books. I turn on the G-Pad that's on the wall by the front door. Looking at my check list on the device while standing on my crutches. Going through the list: two knives, work laptop, school stuff, personal phone, work phone, makeup kit, and a couple more.

      Once after getting everything on my list and saying goodbye to Mila. I leave my apartment and go to my parking spot. There sit my black sports car with its blue and red lines that go from head to toe on the side of the car. Making sure I don't attract too much attention I don't go with the newest model but I can't help putting some add ons. Like the spoiler on the back. I pay Natasha money so she doesn't tattle tale on me from stuff like my car to what I am doing at school.

      Stopping at the grocery store to buy dinner before going to the Walkers house. When I arrive there I don't park my car in the driveway or garage. If Dale and Debra knew of my car they would sell it for money. Debra loves going on spending sprees at malls. Dale is a dealer so he sells and buys drugs like fentanyl and cocaine. Parking my car two driveways down and covering it with one of those car protector tarps. I pay the owner to let me keep my car there.

      When I entered the yellow house it smelled like cigarettes again. Dale is home and smoking cigarettes. I look at my watch and it's only six. So I still have time to cook until six thirty. I quickly go to the kitchen and put the groceries away. After that I go to my room which is actually an attic to put my backpack away before I start cooking dinner.

      Now cook the meat and set up the table at the same time. Next I cut up the lettuce and tomatoes for the tacos. After that I made tacos. Dale likes hard crust and tomatoes. Debra likes soft crust with lettuce and tomatoes. Natasha likes her plain with a soft crust. I prepared three tacos each for each of them and made a double batch for Natasha's. My preference is just pain with only meat.

      Looking at my watch again, I made it just in time for six thirty. Before dashing away and taking my food to my room. Checking the table, finish filling up the cups with their preferred drink. The challenge of cooking for them right now is my boot and crutches but they just ignore that.

      Before I could grab my food in the kitchen Dale saw me. He had a smile on him like he wanted to find a reason to hurt me. I stood at the oven while he was near the fridge. "So... Is dinner ready?" He smirked while looking around. Nice Dale is drunk today.

      I look to the kitchen tiled floor. "Y-e-s S-i-r..." My words come out in a stutter on purpose. Let him be the alpha over me.

      "Then you have been a good girl?" He questioned and picked up my plate of food.

      "Y-e-s S..." I stuttered again and then...

      "Wrong!" He interrupted me, I intentionally acted scared of him. One of the skills I have mastered is my emotions. If someone wants to read me they can only see what I show them.

      He picks up my plate. "What's this food for yourself?"

      "N-o just extras S-i-r." Dale lets me finish my sentence and throws the plate on the floor. What happened to him today. He's putting all his rage and anger on me.

      "Clean This Up!" He yells at me. I drop my crutches and grab the piece of broken plate while on my knees. Dale just walked by me and stepped on the plate on purpose. He smiled the whole time he did this. I immediately clean up the mess with my hands and a rag. Tossing everything in the trash.

      Proceeding straight away to my room along with a cliff bar to suppress my little hunger. I spend my time just sketching with my note pad. Make deep emotional drawings of what I feel. B-u-z-z, my alarm goes off for me to clean the kitchen and the table. Dale doesn't want me down stairs during dinner. Grabbing my crutches and heading down stairs to finish my duties. So I can go to sleep early.

      When coming down the stairs I see Natashia. She comes towards me and pushes me. I fell down two steps and could not get up. After the thump was heard loudly Dale and Debra came. "Why Are You Just Laying Down On The Floor? Go Clean Up The Mess From Dinner!" Debra yelled at me while I was in pain on the floor. I get up and go clean up the mess. 

      Grabbing the plates and tossing the food in the trash. Washing the dishes by hand while being in pain while on crutches. Something is going on. Why are both Debra and Dale like this... They usually punish me by not feeding me or just neglecting my basic needs. Nothing to this extent...

      Finally done I head back to my room also known as the attic but before I get to the stairs. Dale dragged me by the shirt to the basement with me bagging my boot on the stairs. He tossed me after the last step and I landed on my right side.

      Glancing out of my right eye a man comes out from the shadow. He had a freaky smile just like when I am being an assassin. Now hearing Dale go up the creaky stairs. He just leaves me in pain lying down on the cold concrete. "Looky here you're such a beauty." The white man says as he pushes my hair back away from my face.

      Being trained for years I did not give him a reaction. I put on my cold emotionless face. He just looks at me with curiosity wondering how I am gonna react or even my current thoughts. The white male just kicks me in the stomach, almost breaking my ribs. I roll up into a ball and he leaves me just laying down on the concrete floor.

      Currently I feel awful and disgusting all over my body. Right now I am just thinking how awful Dale is for selling me to one of his friends. Just being in so much pain I fell asleep not wanting to move.


Thank you for reading my Chapter One, What's Life? About 2,186 words in Chapter One.

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