Chapter 22

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Blackwing was flying over the mountains at the fastest he's gone, he was hoping this to be fast too. He was looking left and right, but neglected looking forward and slammed into a tree.
He felt something get torn and he fell into a deep pool of water just below him. It all happened so fast, he was stunned for a moment before he finally decided to try to get to shore.

He pulled himself to shore, he was exhausted. So he just laid down on the rocky shore, then he heard pawsteps approaching him. Then before he passed out to exhaustion, he heard a cat say something.

"Over here! There's a cat!"

Blackwing woke up, he was on the rocky shore still. Then he looked around and saw that he was surrounded by cats, not the ones he knows though. "Who are you?" He asked one of the cats, standing up.
     "Iron of the Cavern, or just Iron if you prefer." Said one of the cats. "We haven't seen a cat like you before, how did you get wings?" Iron asked Blackwing.
     "It's, a really long story." Blackwing answered.
     "What is your name strange cat?" Iron asked.
"Well, call me whatever you feel like calling me." Blackwing answered confidently, Iron was a little confused and turned to another cat, who then looked at the other cat, and so on.
The cats talked for a while before deciding on what to call him.

Eventually Iron turned to Blackwing, "We'll call you Bird of the Skies, or Bird." Iron said.
     "Makes sense." Blackwing said, stretching. But he felt immense pain in his left wing and stopped right away, wincing in pain. "Ack! What was that?" Blackwing asked.
     "Your wing looks broken..." Said another cat, "Someone get the healer!"

Another cat walked up and inspected his wing, seeing the broken bone. "I don't know how to deal with this..." Said the cat.
     "I do." Said Blackwing, "Do you have anything that you use for bandaging?" He asked, the cat nodded, "take some of it and wrap it around the wing, carefully though." Blackwing instructed.

The cat had bandaged his wing excellently. And he was told that he should stay around and wait for it to heal. Not exactly what he expected, and he noticed that they begrudgingly helped him. He doesn't feel welcome here. Every cat looking at him with uncomfortable glares, he knew that when he can leave to go as fast as he could. And he was able to persuade to go with the hunters out hunting and he caught most of his own food.
He was ready to go when he heard a voice behind him, "Hey Bird." Said Iron, "Come back at some point, I liked your company."
    "I will." Blackwing said before taking off.

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