Chapter 3

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Obscura woke up to see his caretaker, staring at him shocked. He looked at his owner, "Yeah, I know. I look like an abomination." He meowed.

His caretaker beckened him to follow, Obscura followed seeing no reason not to follow the creature he's trusted for a year now. So he followed his caretaker up to their nest, he walked in and it already looked more lively then the rest of the den. It looked way more interesting, with fancy looking walls and a much bigger bed then what he slept on. His caretaker beckened Obscura onto their bed, he jumped up and then they placed a weird thing down in front of him, and then made some signs with their paws. Talk? Thing? After a while, then it made sense what they were trying to communicate. "This contains my language" his caretaker seemed to sign at him, he looked at the thing placed in front of him, and tried to open the thing. He stuck his paw under the hard part and lifted and it rotated as he lifted it, it wasn't hollow and had scribbles all over it.

He looked up at his caretaker, "Let me teach you this" they signed at him, he nodded as this is going to be least painful thing.

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