Chapter 21

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He came down to land like how he saw the metal birds landing, and it was rough. He tumbled a bit, and carefully stood up. Bunnystep darted over.
      "Blackwing! Are you okay? That was a tumble!" Bunnystep asked worried.
      "I'm fine Bunnystep, tis but a scratch." Blackwing reassured his worried friend, brushing some dirt off with his tail and paw.

At night Blackwing and Bunnystep sat down at Sunningrocks, Bunnystep looked away from Blackwing and he noticed.
      "What's wrong Bunnystep?" He asked. Bunnystep looked up at Blackwing.
      "I feel like you still haven't changed, something makes me still feel like you want to set the forest on fire or something." Bunnystep answered.
      "Well I don't wanna set the forest on fire now, Bunny. I love you too much. I just wanna start a great big flame, down in your heart." Blackwing said, Bunnystep looked at him shocked, "You see, way down inside of me. Darling, I have only one desire." Bunnystep tilted her head curiously, "And that one desire is you. And I know, nobody else ain't gonna do." Blackwing said, "I know it's odd to have somecat like me love an innocent cat, I bet that you don't love me as much as I love you." Blackwing said looking away.
     "Don't be so stupid, I love you too you furball!" Bunnystep said excitedly.

"Ha! I win!" Bunnystep said excitedly, she had won her 3rd game of Tic-Tac-Toe.
     "Wow, for just learning the rules of the game. You are doing better then I thought!" Blackwing said impressed at her quick learning. "One more round?" He asked, Bunnystep nodded and he reset the board.

"Three in a row!" Blackwing said, winning and breaking Bunnystep's win streak.
     "Well, I was doing well." Bunnystep said before looking up, "I should return to camp."

Blackwing walked into his treehouse, exhausted from the day, and fell asleep.

Blackwing opened his eyes to Starwing standing over him, "Have you forgotten your mission furball?" Starwing asked sternly.
     "No Starwing, I have not. I still had to learn flight." Blackwing answered on beat, standing up, "It took a while and my legs are sore from slamming into the ground at high speed."
     "Well, remember that you must do this mission." Starwing said, "Follow me Blackwing, I have someone for you to meet." He said walking away, Blackwing following suit, following Starwing.

"Oh, hello Blackwing." Said, another Blackwing? "I see we met finally. Great to see someone other then a dead version of yourself." The clone said, turning around.

They were half blinded, battle scarred and the one thing that stood out.

A gasmask, clear in sight

Blackwing was speechless, this clone has seen some shit. "I came all this way to tell you something." Said the clone, "Be ready for anything."

He woke up not long after. He walked out, and took flight towards the mountains.

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