Chapter 8

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Obscura was asleep in a nearby cave, and his dream was different then the rest. It started with him staring at a glowing crystal he saw earlier, it's mystical luminance coming from the moon right above the cave. Suddenly another version of him, but star lined, walked out of the crystal. Obscura was startled, "Who are you?" He asked the star-lined feline.
     "I'm you, I come from StarClan. A haven of dead cats." The star-lined cat said, their voice sounded mostly like Obscura's, but it also sounded like many other voices, they continued, "I've come to tell you that 4 clans are about to form in this forest, they'll need somewhere to live."
     "Wait hold on, you want me to give these 4 clans my camps? What do I get from this?" Obscura asked.
     "Well, you don't have to maintain them, and you have mastered your powers. Have you not?" The star-lined cat questioned.
     "I have, but-" Obscura was interupted, "I know that you live there but, I know where you can go. And I have a human for you to meet." The star-lined clone touched his muzzle to Obscura's forehead and he saw an abandoned treehouse and a black and red human. "You should get started, tomorrow the clans are coming."

Obscura woke up On the cold stone, he could see daylight piercing through the shadows of the cave. He then went ahead and gone to search for this treehouse and human. He felt it was in the forest where Camp Ravine was, and wouldn't you know it, it was! Obscura looked at the decrepit treehouse. It had a few holes in the roof, the windows are broken and the rope ladder was barely there. He noted where it was and went to Chelford, the town nearby and searched for this human. Eventually he stumbled apon a giant building emitting these loud roaring sounds. Entering through an open window he saw the human he needed to talk to.
"I was expecting you, Obscura." The human said.

Obscura was more curious now as he looked this human up and down, they looked more like a horse then a human, "I know what you're thinking, you're not sure what I am?" The human asked.
     "Yeah." Obscura answered confused. "I might as well tell you my name, my name is Bloodstroke, but you can call me Bloodie. I came from another world, where instead of humans, it's ponies. It's too weird for me so I moved cross dimensions to here." Bloodstroke explained.
     "Why here out of all places?" Obscura questioned Bloodstroke. "Well, my workshop is here, but I live elsewhere." Bloodstroke answered on beat. Well, Obscura had his answer.
    "So dead clone of Obscura told Obscura to find you, why?" Obscura asked Bloodstroke. "He told me to look out for a black cat with wings. You're black, and have wings. I think he sent you to me because I can help you." Bloodstroke answered. Obscura pondered if this human would help repair that treehouse. Well, he might as well ask.
     "Well, I have to move to abandoned treehouse in forest. It not in good shape, so I think dead clone wanted me to get help from you to rebuild treehouse. So, will Bloodie help Obscura with rebuilding treehouse?" Obscura asked. Bloodstroke nodded, "And I'll let you stay here while I work on it. You know what, you can visit me anytime Obscura."

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