Chapter 1

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Obscura opened his eyes for the first time. The world around him appeared gray, the grass, the trees, even the sky, was gray. He couldn't stand up, no matter how hard he tried.

But then he heard something walking nearby, he turned his small fluffy head towards the noise. It was a creature of some sort. standing on two legs and really tall. He knew that whatever it was wasn't a cat, but WHAT is it? The weird creature started bending down, "Hey! Stay back!" He yowled at the creature. But it bent down and picked him up anyway. He gave up at this point, he's too weak to try anything against this creature. It made some sounds at him, the creature bearing it's teeth at him. He was still defeated.

Then the creature put him in a strange thing, looks like it was meant to hold something but it is NOT natural. He was confused and looked around to get his bearings. Suddenly the holding thing was lifted by the creature and moved it, he flinched but something told him that it's going to be alright. So he laid down and excepted his fate.

A few hours later the holding thing was placed down in a completely different place, the creature that carried him there picked him up and he got a look around. The ground wasn't the normal dirt and grass, it was some random material that looked soft. Then the creature sat down holding him and started to run their strange paw through his fur, it wasn't threating. And then the realization hit him. Was he going to be cared by this creature? That didn't seem right, this creature looks way different then him.

It's been one amazing year! He knew since birth that he couldn't survive the wild, and his strength has improved. At least he could walk around now. And he play fought his caretaker's paw with the creature seeming to laugh at it. But his caretaker seemed to be yowling at, their parents? He couldn't tell. But then one of caretaker's parents walked off and returned with a sharp pointy thing, then started walking towards him with his caretaker yowling at their parents.

He could see his caretaker was being held back by the other parent. Suddenly Obscura was snatched up and the pointy thing was impaled into him and injected something, he quickly grew tired. And fell asleep, with the yowls of fear of his caretaker.

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