Chapter 11

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Obscura was spying near the elders at the gathering and they were talking about a cat called Blackwing. "If he's a rogue, why does he have a clan name?" One of the elders asked, "Well he never said what his name was. So we just call him Blackwing." One of ThunderClan's elders answered. Obscura was thinking about it,


It was an interesting name, but he could see where it came from. "It IS what ThunderClan is calling me." Obscura thought, "Blackwing it is."

He told Rusty that the wild cats had a new name for him, Blackwing. But then something happened that changed some opinions.

Rusty went to ThunderClan, and overheard what Blackwing has done. Blackwing had no clue Rusty was in ThunderClan now, he searched and searched Chelford for Rusty before Smudge told him Rusty went into the forest. He thought that his friend might have died already, but he was wrong.
He just didn't know.

Blackwing was checking the nails for his crossbow when suddenly he heard a cat, no, TWO cats running towards him. They eventually slowed down. "They must see my treehouse!" Blackwing thought, he quickly moved to a position to strike the first cat to enter his treehouse. He heard some scrambling up the tree trunk and a fluffy dark gray tom with yellow eyes he didn't know entered so he pounced on the cat, pinning them down and scratching the shit outta the tom. He was about to end the intruder when a familiar voice yowled from behind him.

"Blackwing! Stop and release Graystripe!" Fireheart yowled.

He stopped dead in his tracks and turned to confirm that it was who he thought it was, no doubt about it. It was his old friend. "R-Rusty?" Blackwing meowed confused and happy. "Release Graystripe." Fireheart ordered. Blackwing stepped off Graystripe, Graystripe immediately dashed behind Fireheart, scared out of his mind. Fireheart glanced at Blackwing with a disappointed look, "You have some explaining to do old sport." Stated Fireheart.

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