18. Beatrice

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We had arrived at the airport, with the staff waiting to board us and with their congratulations ringing in our ears my husbands had guided me to the bedroom at the back of the plane. Another new experience but one that had worn us all out and we slept most of the way to our destination. I hadn't pried, I knew they would tell me if I asked but they wanted it to be a surprise and I was happy for that.

We landed in the early morning sunshine, my men teasing me by pulling out a black silk blindfold and to the amusement of the staff we disembarked, my husbands holding each of my hands possessively.

A car had been waiting for us, the driver informing us a vehicle would be available to us for the duration of the stay and I felt my excitement grow as we travelled onwards, finally stopping, the sound of waves more noticeable now. The blindfold cut off my sight but I could feel the warmth of the sun on my skin and the smell of the tropics around us.

"Ready?" Simon asked me, excitement in his voice.

"Yes" I whisper out, blinking as Blake removes the blindfold and in the brightness of the sun a whitewashed villa surrounded by vibrant foliage and big pink flowers, the backdrop a view down golden sands to an azure blue sea. "Wow"

"This is our wedding present from Rebecca and Denver" Simon tells me, taking my hand to guide me forward.

"Ours?" I had whispered out and they both chuckled.

"Yes baby, ours. Ours only, its not a holiday let, this is all ours to use whenever we want to, forever" Blake confirmed opening the door and leading me inside.

The interior was open plan, light and airy with blinds at the windows and ceiling fans already spinning. "Wow" I say again spinning in place, "This is incredible"

On the dining table there was a basket filled with little gifts and Simon pulled out the note, scanning it before laughing and handing it to me. My hand coming up to touch my stomach, everyone was obsessed with babies. I knew I wasn't pregnant but one day...

"One day" Simon murmured his gaze locked on me as Blake takes the note from me and laughs as he reads it too.

"We can have lots of fun practicing but we are selfish and want you to ourselves for a few years first, unless you wan..." I covered his lips with my fingers, shaking my head.

"Not yet, in a few years" I tell him and his eyes sparkle as he nods, swinging me up into his arms.

"Want to practice?" he teases, heading for the stairs and the master suite, Simon close behind us.

"Hell yes" I tell him, leaning into his hold and biting his ear, causing him to speed up, I manage a cursory glance around the room before he drops me onto the bed, each of my men pouncing and we forgot about everything else except each other for the rest of the day.

The next three weeks were more of the same, we spent days on the beach or exploring the island, with frequent detours to explore each other.

We touched base each week with home and I had been shocked to find out my mother had contact Mama August to try to get hold of me, she had seen the news of Simon very publicly asking me to marry him, but I had left my phone at home, so she couldn't reach me. I had felt a little guilt that I hadn't included her in our wedding and knew on our return I would need to tell her and my father our news.

Our flight back was on the Kingswood families plane, Rome and Rio picking us up on their way back from a competition in Australia. We had all been grateful but it did mean my men had to behave on the flight back, despite their brother in laws teasing. They had shared news about Ama's pregnancy which they had shared with the family on the Sunday after our wedding.

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