2. Blake - Then

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We had been away from school yesterday due to a family event, returning today to hear whispers about a new girl.
Of course we had seen glimpses of her throughout the morning but she didn't really register for us, just another student hurrying between classes her head down and focussed.
We had enough on our plate with our brothers having just got married and their moving out chaos at home, and of mum turning her now undivided attention on us, now we were the only children left at home. I hoped the triplets produced more grandbabies for her quickly, or that Ama comes home to visit and distracts her with her two.

There were of course benefits to our brothers marrying and moving out, we had taken over the suite of rooms that the triplets had had previously, a mini apartment within the house, it had more space for us and some independence from the rest of the parents.
Yes parents, we had three fathers also triplets and our mother who were 'married'. They had met when they were guarding mom against some threat for our great uncle, who was head of one of the country's secret services. Our fathers and our older brothers now all worked for the same agency, something we had grown up with but held no interest for us currently.

Mom had been a stay at home mom for most of our childhood but she was just as dangerous if not more so that the males in our family and Ama, our delicate tiny sister, she was even worse.
I think the whole family was actually relieved she never wanted into the family business, instead she had been a world class athlete before... well before she decided she would rather coach. And that was how she met her husbands, Twins, Rome and Rio Kingswood were Olympian rowers who had terrorised everyone who tried to manage them except our sister and then they had married and never doing anything by halves had had their own twins at their wedding reception. Now our older brothers were married to Ama's sister in law Paris, even more firmly meshing our family with theirs.
This of course had led to more gossip and press about the way both our family and the Kingswood's chose to live, from the parents down to the children most were in poly or menage relationships. Some people really couldn't get their head around the fact that love doesn't just have to be between a couple and some comments made about our families could be downright hostile, even as they were trying to curry favour due to the wealth and powerful connections both families had, this had led to us being popular but sometimes feeling like exhibits in a zoo.

We had been talking about the recent family weekend at Kingswood when our gaze had been drawn to the door and there she was, the new girl.
Then everything seemed to race as Stephanie King came up behind her and pushed her to the floor, laughing at her and inciting the other students to join in as she snapped at the girl on the floor. It was only new girls second day so what the hell had she done to provoke Steph?

"Look at the new girl, already falling over her feet, what's the matter scared" Stephanie stands over the girl. She moves to get up, reaching for her bag but Stephanie kicks it away, her face set in a scowl "You ratted me out to Lane! " she hisses and she pushes her back down.
"I didn't!" her voice is clear and surprisingly un-scared.
"Liar" Stephanie screeches pulling her leg back and I'm on my feet Simon at my side as we rush forward getting in between them.

"Steph, back off, what the hell are you doing" I growl.
"Blake, what! get out the way!" she steps back as I move forward , my gaze holding hers. I know she won't challenge me, no one in this school would. I can hear Simon behind me murmuring to the girl, and Steph's eyes move beyond me and she glares again at the girl and I wonder again what she had done to cause this.
The atmosphere in the class changes as Mr Havers enters, his gaze assessing the tableau in front of him.

"Simon, Blake? Stephanie would one of you like to tell me what's going on?" he asks, as the rest of class hurriedly returning to their desks.
"I fell sir, they were helping me up" I hear her clear voice behind me and fight to keep the surprise off my face, She is saving Steph's arse... why.
"Simon?" Mr Havers asks.
"I was just helping her up" he replies truthfully without revealing what actually happened.
"Hmm, if you say so. Take your seats please" he moves to his desk.

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