13. Blake

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Week three through four and into the start of five was brutal but we managed to talk to Bea every night, we would exchange our days activities and thoughts.  We knew she was watching every practice and race and whilst that did not compare to her being there with us, it gave us hope.

David was working out as a perfect PA and we had already discussed with him making it a permanent role, he had told us he would need to agree it with Logan but seemed keen and we hoped he would accept, especially now Bea had her publishing deal, we didn't want to ever risk getting back into the rut we had all hidden in for years.

We wanted Bea as much more and employing her would only muddy the waters. However difficult it may be to remove that role completely as David had also admitted he had exchanged emails with Bea over schedule queries in the first couple of weeks in the job.

It had given us even more hope, even when she had run and was not talking to us, she was making sure everything ran smoothly and was in place.

Logan was popping down to the track today to discuss what happened at the end of the season, I knew he had a lot of sponsorship possibilities her wanted to discuss but he was also aware we had been talking about taking time off... Time to sort out our relationship with Bea, time enough to fit in a wedding and a honeymoon.

Knock Knock

David opened the door "Logans here" he warned before heading back out.

"Hey" he came in and grinned at us, dropping minor a chair and leaning back. "How are you doing?"  He knew we had been talking with Bea and I have no doubt the family grapevine was filling him in on everyones thoughts.

"One more race" Simon tells him and he grins, he knows what we mean, the last six weeks have been a countdown to this.

"We need..." I start but he holds up his hand to stop me.

"I've not taken on any work or events for you for three months, after that there are some things, responsibilities that can't be pushed back further, is that enough time?" he says.

I exchange a look with Simon, that's more time than I though we would get, its perfect. "Logan, that's perfect, thank you" I tell him.

"Do you have a plan?" he asks.

"Finish the race, win the championship, go get our girl, tie her to us in every way we can" Simon mutters out, making Logan laugh.

"How you going to choose?" 

"Whoever wins the championship" I tell him.

"Followed by a bonding ceremony for all of us" Simon adds.

"Can you get everything done within the three months?" he questions and we both nod, spending the rest of the afternoon going over new sponsorship opportunities and upcoming commitments.  Logan pointing out two requests from potential sponsors that he felt would be offended by our relationship goals.  We decided to avoid any conflicts and decline them, we had more that enough money and nothing was going to put any possible negative on our future plans... nothing.

"Your parents are coming to the race, Rebecca has invited them to the owners box, I think she's opened the invite up to wider family as well.  Anyone you want added?" Logan asks and we both say the same thing.


"I thought you had to finish the season first"

"Logan, I love my parents and family but there is only one person I want to see and that's Bea, I know she won't be there, I want to able to get to her as soon as we can leave after everything done.  Mom promised she would tells us where she is at the end of the season.  If mom comes that will be my fist question when I see her"

I know Simon agrees with me as Logan looks at us both before nodding to himself.

"I will make sure we tie things up quickly, David has a handle on everything" he agrees, prompting our minds.

"About David, we would like to hire him full time, when Bea is back, we don't want her working for us and David has fit well" Simon tells him.

"Have you spoken to David?" he asks and we nod.

"He said he would need to speak to you but seemed interested" 

"I will talk to him, but I can't see a problem if he's interested.  Bea was right"

"About?"Simon queries.

"The right man for the job.  I didn't choose David for you, she did.  In fact I had to move some engagements around to free him up, but she was sure David would fit" Logan explains.

"She was right... as always" I agree smiling.

The rest of the week was a rush of press, meetings, promotions and events, some events squeezed in so we could have our three months off, and on the Friday before the final race weekend we had a private dinner with Rebecca and Denver, our teams owners who had supported us to where we were now.  We already knew that no one could catch up with the teams points so Sunday Denver would be picking up the teams trophy as one of us lifted the drivers trophy.

"We have a gift for you both" Rebecca tells us passing across an envelope, grinning at our confused faces.  I open the envelope, sliding Beth contents out onto the table, Simon reaching to pick up what looks like a deed.

"Whats this?" he asks as he reads the title "Frigate Island Resort... You brought us a holiday home?"

"We brought you an early wedding present" Rebecca explains, leaning into Denvers side with a smile.


"Its perfect for a honeymoon and it's all yours, ready to go.  Beatrice will love it" Rebecca adds as Simon hands me a picture he has picked up from the pile of information.  Beautiful blue skies golden sand and a picture perfect villa"

"I don't know what to say, it's too much" I can't tear my eyes away from the picture, my mind already showing me chasing Bea across the sand.

"I started a team, with no huge expectations, you took my dream and made us the best team on the track.  This is nothing to what you have given me, trust me you deserve this, all three of you" Denver tells us and we nod.

"Thank you, its perfect"

"Just invite us to the wedding, I presume it will be soon" Rebecca laughs and I nod.

"As soon as we can get everything arranged" Simon tells her.

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