5. Beatrice - Now

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I clicked close on the latest article, the press was always full of pictures of Blake and Simon and the nearer we got to the end of the season the worse it got.  This one had hurt however, the twins pictured in a club with a matching set of blonde models perched on their knees.

It wasn't a surprise, it had happened at school, at university and had only got worse as they got older and more famous, everyone loved them, handsome, rich and very talented.  

I sighed, I would usually be with them but my mother had remarried and I had been required to attend the wedding, the boys would have come but her dates clashed with a race and there was no way they could miss a race no matter how much they wanted to.

My mother true to form has set me up with the son of one of her 'friends' a pretty man who had spent the entire day talking about himself and his achievements.  I had stayed quiet, nodded occasionally and smiled through it all, counting down the hours till it was over.

The rest of the weekend I had spent in my hotel room, re-editing my book, not that I thought it would go anywhere, but I had done it, written a book, my story, my plot, my baby. I snorted at my thoughts.

I thought again about the boys, well men now, they had been my protection from everything for so long, I had only just started to realise just how much I depended on them, and I had realised just how unhealthy that dependency was.

I had tried to date at university but the boys had scared everyone away.

When they had got the contract with Johnson racing, I had helped them celebrate and started job hunting but I could find nothing I wanted or suited my degree.  the boys had suggested I write a book and I had laughed and told them I needed a real job and suddenly I found myself as their PA part time with a. full time wage and orders to write my book.

I had agreed, even as my mind flashed warnings at me. I was getting too close to them and all they saw me as was a sister, and now, now I was realising my feelings where not familial... I loved them, both of them

I had had a few people over the last couple of years ask me out but somehow something always came up and id have to cancel or they would, I knew it was the boys trying to protect me but I had had enough.

I knew they would never see me as anything but a sister and I needed to find me, I needed to experience life and gritting my teeth I knew I had to make a clean break to do that.

I couldn't watch the other women throw themselves at the twins every time they were out in public anymore, even though their focus totally on racing.   I didn't want to know who they pick from the crowd that's always around them, it was hurting now.

The phone on the desk rang and I checked the number before picking it up "Hi Ma" I greeted August Masters.

"Hey Bea Bea, how are you, how did it go?" I hear the love and concern in her voice and smile sadly, filling her in on the wedding and the wedding date from hell and asking about the dads.  Each sentence uttered pulling at my heart strings.  I try to sound upbeat telling her I had finished the edit of my book but my voice cracked.

"Want to tell me what's hurting you?' she asked softly and I feel a tear slide free, rolling down my cheek and I take a deep breath to try to stop the coming tide.



"I don't know what to do" I whisper and hear her sigh.

"Oh baby, I'm sorry" she says and I know she knows how I feel about her sons.

"I'm going to send them my resignation, I think I need a clean break, I just can't do this anymore" I gasp in a breath unable to stop the tears now.

"Do you have somewhere to go?" she asks and I look around my office, realising again how entrenched my life is with theirs, my office in their house, where I live...

"I will find somewhere, there is always my parents" I straighten my shoulders and blink to clear my eyes, I could do this... I have to do this.

"I have somewhere you can go, relax and find some peace, focus on your book, somewhere you won't be found" she offers.

"Why are you helping me, they will be mad at you?" I ask as my heart leaps at her offer.

"I consider you a daughter, they are my sons but they are blind in not seeing how their behaviour affects you, I want to help you.  So can I help, please" she replies and I smile at her words.

"Thank you and yes please" I whisper out.

"Good, now when are you leaving?"

"I don't know... what do you think, should I wait till the season ends?" I say feeling calmer now, even as my heart races.

"Don't wait, send the lettering leave, you know as well as I do they will try and talk you out of it if you stay.  Do something for you, put yourself first" she answers and I feel myself nodding.

"Yes" I whisper again, my brain rushing through what if's and panicking.

"I'm sending you an address, a key will be waiting for you there and I will have the fridge stocked, take a breath and focus on your book and if at anytime you need to talk, I am always available to you"

I wipe my eyes but they refuse to stop spilling tears. "Ma, thank you. Thank you for everything you have done for me over the years, for taking me in and giving me a home and family. I love you"

"Oh Bea, my little Bea, it will be okay, just you wait.  I think this will be so good for you.  Now pack first, get ready, then send them your resignation and get the hell out of there because they will be coming for you, just you see.  Now promise me you will call of you need anything" she orders me and I smile again.

"I promise" I tell her before we say goodbye.

I lean back in the chair and stare around the room for a few moments before grabbing a archive box and clearing my stuff into it.  it has to be a clean break, everything must go.

After clearing the office, I move through the house, bagging and boxing everything, realising I had too much stuff to take with me, I looked online and found local storage, quickly booking a container online, planning to stop there on my way out of town.

Then with everything loaded in the car, I went back to the office and typed up the letter I knew would change my life... my resignation.

I hit send and got the hell out of town.

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