14. Beatrice

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"You ready for this?" August held my hand and I nod, watching as David and Logan crossed the enclosure.

"You made it" Logan grinned at me, pulling me into a hug before doing the same with August and shaking the dads hands. "This way" he said leading us back through security and up to the box. Rebecca spotting us as we entered and coming over to greet us.

I smiled nervously, not used to being the centre of so much attention, six weeks ago I had stood watching from the edges at this sort of event but now...

"They will be so happy to see you" Rebecca whispers in my ear as she hugs me and I feel my emotions spike as tears blur my vision.

"I'm sorry" I whisper back and she pulls back to look at me.

"For what?"

"I could have tanked the season, I could have done so much damage to the team, I was selfish..." I try to explain and she growls at me, stopping my words.

"You did nothing wrong, nothing.  I fully support what you did and so do they.  You will come out of this all so much stronger and ready to face the world at each others sides.  And anyway they won't allow anything negative to happen to them or you" she hugs me again.  "Now tell me about your books"

"How?" I stand bemused wondering how she knows about them.

"I know Jo Rose" she laughs at me and I shake my head, I really shouldn't be surprised at the people and links around me any more.  Everyone know someone who knows someone who...

"Come on" Logan calls from the balcony "They are lined up"

I knew Simon had pole with Blake getting 2nd position on the grid.  They were neck and neck on the leader board with Blake 1 point ahead of Simon, so either one could be the other today.  As I stood on the blatant surrounded by the Masters family, Logan, David and Rebecca and Denver I felt the love for my boys filling me.  I watched as the race started, the teams comms being played on a radio behind us so Denver could listen in.  Each time I heard their voices my body reacted more and when an accident brought out the safety car, causing the cars to bunch back up I could feel the tension filling us all, this was a chance for others to get close to them, their lead reduced as the car lead them round as they cleared the accident.

And they're off...

It was close, so close, my heart was in my mouth as the boys each took the lead before losing it to the other, no one else got close once the safety car had pulled off.  It was between the two of them.

Simon won, taking the lead on the last lap, he finished half a car ahead of Blake but it was enough, at the last moment he had won, the race and the driver championship .

The crowd went wild, the twins were always crowd pleasers, but it felt like something special was in the air today... 

Denver and Rebecca pulled everyone in for hugs before leading us all down to the pits to meet with the podium placed drivers.

August and I following behind the boys dads and I grinned as they closed together providing screen, the boys would not know I was here until they separated.

I could hear the shouts of congratulations, the officials calling instructions out as they got ready for the presentations.  The boys still out of reach to us.  But that was okay it gave everyone a chance to celebrate with them before they saw me.  I knew they would come for me as soon as they saw me and I was right.

We followed in the crowd up to the podium where Denver revived the team trophy, cheering loudly as the team celebrated.  Then the three podium wins were called out, the cheer getting louder as each driver stepped up.

Wreaths were handed out, champagne was sprayed and then Simon was presented with the drivers championship trophy, Blake hugging him as he held it high, helping him show it to the crowd.

"Ready" Mama August said aloud and at her word as one the dads parted in front of me, allowing my boys to see me.

I saw their eyes widen, their gaze locked on me, briefly flicking to the side where they spotted Logan, "Logan!" their shout perfectly timed together, their voices as one,  got his attention and they thrust the cup at him, jumping off the podium and heading for me.  The crowd between us parting and silence falling as they stalked my way.

My heart fluttered watching them, I wanted to run to them, feel their arms around me, but I wanted them to choose me, to come to me, to take me...

"Bea" again their voices merged as they pulled me into a hug between them.

"Your here" Blake whispered and I nodded, my gaze searching his.  

"I had to come, I love you both so much" I tell them emotionally.

They grin back, hugging me again before Simon pulls back to look around "David!" he shouts and I watch as their PA David rushes forward, something in his hand, he passes to Simon, who turns back to face me and as the crowd moves back to give us some space, I gasp as Simon drops to one knee, his hand raising and in his fingers a ring.

My gaze flies between Simon and Blake who nods at me as Simon says the words...

"Beatrice Blackstone, will you marry me?" and quietly he adds "and bond with us both?"

The crowd was silent around us, waiting...

"Yes" I whisper, tears blurring my eyes.

The Masters Brothers - Driven (Completed)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin