17. Simon

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Then it was Friday and we were loading into the car, heading back to the family home and our wedding.

Mum came rushing out to greet us before spiriting Bea away from us, leaving us with our dads and a list of instructions.  Both of us watching her disappear into the house, with a frown on our faces. Jonah the gruff ex army housekeeper-butler-gardener slash bodyguard coming out to grab our bags and greet us.

"She's not going far" Dad Kade laughs at us and we grin wryly.

"We know, but..." I shake my head, every time she is out of my sight these last few days I feel worried she will get cold feet and run away from us.

Dad Keir throws an arm around my shoulders "She's not going anywhere, that girl loves you, always has and always will" he reassures me and I nod, needing his words.  "Come on, we have to get some lights up and as your brothers haven't arrived yet so you boys can help us"

We follow him round the house into the garden where a huge white marque is set up at the back of the lawn and a new giant metal birdcage structure was placed at the end of the pathway, newly planted pots lining the pathway with pastel coloured blooms.

"Mum?" we laugh and the dads all nod.

"She's finding ways to make it as simply beautiful as possible for you all, her and Jonah have been planting those up since you decided to get married here." 

"Bea will love it" I murmur, Blake putting his arm around me for a bro hug as we both look around and feeling the excitement growing within me, this time tomorrow Bea will be ours completely. 

"Any word from her parents?" Dad Know asks and I shake my head, updating him on what was going on with them and Bea.  Our chatter turned to how things were going with work and then onto how the rest of the family were.

"What time is everyone arriving?" I ask as I pass another set of lights up to Blake to wrap around the structure.

"Ama reckons about seven, Rome and Rio have a talk that Ama booked them onto and they don't want her travelling with the twins on her own"

"And the trips?"

"Are coming down from London with Paris but with work they'll get caught in the traffic so I would anticipate they will all arrive together" Dad laughs.

"Do they know" I wave my hand around me.

"No, it will be news to them but I don't think any of them will be surprised, they're probably taking bets as to what you'll do and how fast you will do it."

The sound of feminine chatter has us all turning to look at the house as Mum brings our Bea outside, her hands covering her eyes as mum guides her so she is stood on the path to the birdcage. "Okay you can look" Mum tells her stepping back and we watch as Bea drops her hands and looks at the garden in wonder.

"Its perfect Mama, just perfect" she says before bursting into tear, sending us flying across the garden to pull her into our arms.

"Baby!" Simon says and I hear a note of panic in his voice, though Mum is laughing at us.

"Relax boys, those are happy tears" she tells us, watching us all as we fuss around our girl.

"Bea Bea" I lift her chin and gaze down at her sparkling wet eyes "Is that true, happy tears?"

"Yes, its so beautiful and I'm so happy and I can't wait to marry you both" she sobs out, leaning into our arms as we rock her between us.

"Come see the rest" Mum tells her and we each take a hand and guide her to where our fathers are watching, each of them stepping forward to drop a kiss on her forehead and hug her.

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