1. Beatrice - Then

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I watch as my mothers car leaves, feeling the panic creeping up my spine as I turn to face the building in front of me. 

My new school Holmwood Manor Prep, serving the lucky children of the local well heeled, rich and famous for over 100 years and now me... a new girl starting mid year!

My parents having decided that they no longer liked each other enough to pretend had divvied everything up and had moved to opposite ends of the country, Dad going to Edinburgh as Mom had come to Surrey, taking me with her after much argument, it seemed neither had wanted to take responsibility for me. But I was fifteen and no matter how much they wished it otherwise, someone had to take me. I was sure if there had been any other family left on either side they would have tried to pass me off to them but unluckily for them, there wasn't.

So given that Dad's job frequently took him out of the country for weeks on end, I had ended up with my mother, or at least in my mothers new house, a key in hand, a bus pass and a new credit card in my purse and a 'See you Friday' as she had dropped me off for my first day and headed into London for the week. Dora the new housekeeper would be stocking the fridge as part of her duties but her hours were while I was in school so pretty much I would be alone all week.

Melius Quam Cetera.  I gazed at the words carved into the granite above the door, sounding out the words in my head wondering what it meant, my mind screaming 'Beware all who enter here' but I knew it wasn't that, that I had looked up 'cavete omnes qui huc intraverunt' those were the words I had painted onto a sign for the new house but mother had not seen the humour in it and it had disappeared, almost as swiftly as she had.

The loud ring of a bell had the other students around me moving towards the doors and hitching my bag higher on my shoulder I moved with them inside, guiding myself out of the flow towards the desk where a woman was sat observing the students pass with a grimace.

"Hello" I greet once the noise has died down a little, bring her gaze my way, straightening my spine as moms voice chides me in my mind.  I can feel her gaze on me and grit my teeth.

"New girl?"

I nod

"What is your name?" she asks her gaze narrowing on me.

"Sorry, I'm Beatrice Blackstone" I reply and wait as she clicks away on the computer.

"Take a seat, the guidance counsellor will be with you shortly" she points as some seats to the side.

"Thank you" I reply politely, sitting down but not missing the surprise that crosses her face at my words, did people not say thank you here?

"Miss Blackstone?" I stand as a man approaches me, a file in one hand and his other held out to shake my hand "I am Dr Richard Lane, I am the counsellor for your year group, Welcome to Holmwood"

As he releases my hand, he turns, "Follow me, I have your records from your last school, we just need a quick review and then I can show you to your classroom and introduce you to your class buddy" he sounded enthusiastic and I was glad I was behind him so he couldn't see my expression of horror at his words... a class buddy!

He waved me into a seat and took his behind the desk, his gaze on me as I sat waiting for him to continue "Our school motto is Melius Quam Cetera, Miss Blackstone, do you know what that means?"

"No sir"

"Better than the rest" he replies shuffling through my papers and lifting one up "I can see from your exam results you are an exemplary student and I have no doubt you will continue to excel at Holmwood" he paused looking at me, did he want a response?

"Thank you Sir" I replied, my mind still thinking how elitist the school motto sounded.

"Good, good, now I have asked one of our student councillors to show you around and make sure everything is okay for this week, she will be your class buddy and if you need anything I am sure Stephanie will be able to assist you, but if she cannot then my door is always open... unless I am teaching or in a meeting" he laughs at his own words and I nod, forcing my lips up into a smile.

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