Chapter 20: And Now the World Makes Sense

Start from the beginning

"I tried to talk them out of it, but Master Tamaki had said the Suoh family had forgiven his beloved mother, and that he was finally going to get to see her again. And since Mistress Rubee knows where she is. Lady Éclair, your brother, Master Tamaki, and Mistress Rubee are headed there. He also said that if he stayed at Ouran any longer, his capriciousness would only continue to make trouble for you and everyone else in the club." Shima finishes.

"How could he be so stupid" I say angrily. I take the phone off my ear to talk to the others. "Evidently, Tamaki and Rubee are planning to return to France." I state. "Huh?" All the hosts say together. "Tama-chan and Rubee-chan are going to leave us?!" Honey cries. "You're kidding me?! We just can't let it end so suddenly!" Hikaru shouts. "Excuse me sir?" Shima says. "Yes?" I respond. "I was just thinking. If the master's mother really is as remarkable a woman as he claims she is, then I can only imagine that she would be upset with the manner in which the mistress and master has chosen to leave Ouran Academy." Shima says, matter of factly.

I suppose she is right... Both Tamaki and Rubee spoke very fondly of Tamaki's mother, I don't think she would like them leaving this way. "Do you know when he's leaving, Shima?" I ask. "I'm afraid his flight is this evening." Shima answers. "Why is he leaving so soon?" I ask. "He would have left sooner, but he said he had to wait until the Ouran Fair was ending." Shima says. Of course because my father wouldn't let Rubee go beforehand. Just then I see a car pass with all four members in it.

I gasp, "Tamaki! Rubee!" Everyone else runs up to the window I am at to see the car drive by. "Tama-chan! Rubee-chan!" Honey cries. "No way!" Kaoru says, "The Ouran Fair isn't even over yet!" Hikaru cries. "My family's car should be in the parking lot! Haruhi Let's go" I state heading towards the door everyone following behind me.

*Haruhi's POV*

We all run to the parking garage. Panting and sprinting as fast as we can. "We're in a hurry, can you drive us?" Kyoya asks the driver. "I'm sorry sir, but." The driver says. "What is it? What's wrong?" Kyoya asks, lost. "Well you see the thing is..." The driver starts again but seems worried to continue. We turn and see the Ootori private police squad starting to surround us. Hikaru pushes me behind him and Kaoru. "You want to tell me your orders? Let me guess. You've been hired to protect Lady Éclair and my brother." Kyoya says, looking down. "I'm truly sorry it has come to this, but as you know, as members of the Ootori private police, we answer to your father." one of the officers says. Oh no. Kyoya smashes his hand down into the cars hood denting it.

"I'm terribly sorry, sir, but we;ve been ordered not to allow any of you to leave, even if we have to stop you by force." the officer states again. Just then we hear the sound of a wheel rolling on the ground. I look over and see Mori and Honey bringing a carriage over to us. "Hikaru take the carriage. If you use the back hills bypass, you can cut them off." Mori says then hopping off with Honey.

"It's Honinozuka! And Morinozuka!" the officers shiver. Hikaru and Kaoru get on the carriage and Kaoru ushers for me to get on with him. I hesitate for second. Kyoya pulls me closer to him, "Go get those idiots. Hurry." And the Kyoya pushes me onto the carriage with Kaoru. "Now go! This is your chance!" Kyoya shouts pointing us into a direction. Hikaru raises the reigns and brings them back down, making the horses run off as fast as Hikaru can make them go.

"Hikaru! Don't you think we should slow down? Somebody could get hurt!" Kaoru asks, scared a little. "We're not slowing down 'tl we get the boss back!" Hikaru shouts back. "But Hikaru." Kaoru pleads. "If it wasn't for Tamaki, then the two of us would still only be lost souls. We were able to become friends with Haruhi and the others because the Host Club brought us together. Rubee was able to trust us. We helped everyone come out of their shells. To think that all of it could end so suddenly like this.... Is something that I can't tolerate!" Hikaru shouts, in anger and frustration.

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