Chapter 17: Carriage is Slowing Down

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~A month later~

*Rubee's POV*

During class Kyoya and Tamaki brought me up to speed on what happened with Kasanoda, and Kyoya said he thinks Kasanoda like likes Haruhi. This will be interesting. We were hanging in the club room, the hosts attending to their business. But that all stopped when we all look up at the door and see Kasanoda standing in the doorway.

Here we go.... "I'd like to request Fujioka." Kasanoda says, all the guests shriek and scream. Gues they weren't expecting him to be requesting someone. And here comes Renge. Ugh. Haruhi walks over with a tray of tea, sitting on the couch with Kasanoda starting up a conversation. I look around the room trying to find Tamaki and I see all the hosts on the side of the room, Tamaki withering away.

I walk over to the hosts, visibly seeing smoke coming out of Hikaru and Kaoru's ears. As I walk over I hear Kyoya, "He has kept Haruhi's secret so far and since he is after all a paying guest, I can see no reason to eject him." The twins scream something inaudible. Once I get to them I see them all looking at the other guests, who are ooing and aweing at Kasanoda and Haruhi.

"They are even bringing more guests in, I say Kasanoda is a good asset for us" Kyoya says, smirking seeing all the guests on their phones calling people. "You money grumbling enabler" The twins say really pissed. We all look back at the two on the couch, "Seems to be going well" I say, shrugging my shoulders. "Oh, no, she's giving him the adorable smile." Hikaru says, "The one which no man can resist." Kaoru finishes Hikaru's thought.

"Wow. Usually you guys wouldn't waste any time interrupting the two of them." Honey says, cutely like normal. "Yeah, but our hands are tied. After our screw-up in Karuizawa, Haruhi would never forgive us if we butted in" Hikaru says, sincerely. I shiver remembering Karuizawa. It was no ones fault but mine, but it still has bad memories. It took me months to get out of the hospital and fully heal. "Karuizawa was really your screw-up, Hikaru" Kaoru butts in.

I guess I visibly start shaking because Kyoya puts a hand on my shoulder. And I look up to see the other hosts looking at me as well. "Are you ok Rubee-chan?" Honey sadly asks. That seems to get Tamaki's attention because he is up and at my side in a moment. "Rubee, what's wrong?" Tamaki asks me. "Nothings wrong, just very unpleasant memory with Karuizawa, I'm good I swear" I say, faking a smile for Tamaki.

I can tell Tamaki doesn't believe me but he let's it slide and goes back to withering away in his corner. I shake my head chuckling at my best friends antics. "Hey, boss, are you done being shell-shocked yet?" Hikaru asks, "Yeah, we could really use our king right about now." Kaoru finishes. And then they throw Tamaki over to the two. "Oh brother" I say, placing my hand on my forehead shaking my head.

"And now Tamaki is acting like a robot, never seen him do that before" I say, amused. Haruhi hands robot Tamaki a kids toy, so much fun. "That moron" The twins say. Then Hikaru picks up his phone and calls Tamaki. Tamaki answers the phone I am assuming. "Earth to Boss! Will you snap out of it already? The longer you sit there like an idiot playing 'robot' the worse the situation becomes for all of us." Hikaru angrily says to the phone.

"Now listen to me carefully. You can't let this happen. If she and that two-bit thug hit it off she's going to spend her life as a mob wife!" Hikaru emphasizes the mob wife part. "Planning their wedding already? Wow Hikaru, you really want Kasanoda and Haruhi to get together already huh?" I say, snickering, knowing full well that that would get to them.

"Rubee we want you and Kyoya to get together a lot more than Haruhi and Kasanoda" Kaoru answers for his brother. Ha, checkmate I guess you devil twins. Now it is my turn to turn 30 different shades of red. That comment makes Honey laugh his little butt off, rolling on the floor. "Rubee-chan you are as red as your eyes are" Honey says in between gasps of air.

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