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the ride to the hospital was dim, they didn't turn the lights or the siren on, which was usually a bad thing, but i think this time it was good?
when we got to the hospital we were told we had to sit in the waiting room until she was all situated in a room, we only sat for 20 maybe 30 minuets, although it felt forever
i leaned back in my chair as i heard mav speak
"you okay?" he asked me
"i don't know" i replied, i really didn't know, i  knew she was fine but it really made me think about how i left all those years ago, i was so mad, so angry at maverick, i didn't even think about how it effected her, i remember walking right past her when i left, i remember the days before, how i was so excited to see the look on her face when she opened up the gifts i got her for christmas, i missed five years of her life, given if i hadn't left maybe we wouldn't be together now, after i left i thought about writing her, send her cards for her birthday or christmas, but i could never bring myself to do it, each year, feeling worse than the last, but now i finally have her again and somethings gone wrong, i can't loose her, i need her
i felt a tear fall from my eye before mav spoke again
"you know she really loves you" he said, he was sat leaning forward, one hand in his forehead the other holding penny's, with the other she was rubbing his back
i took a deep breath, "i know, i love her too"
"god, i never should have left"
he looked at me "it wasn't you fault" he began
"yes it was, i made the decision to leave, god i was so stupid" i buried my head in my hands, i felt cowardice
"you were 17, bradley, you had every right, you were mad at me" he said, i turned to look at him
"but what about her, what about how she felt, i didn't even think about how it would've effected her" i looked away from him
he put his hand on my back
"i know you feel terrible, but now, you make her so happy, your everything to her, and she is gonna be fine"
i took a breath before a nurse can to talk to us
"your here for Y/N?" she asked us
"yeah all three of us" penny spoke
"well she's not awake quite yet, she's in room 115, go on and head down there"  she said before we all got up and walked to her room
as i walked in i could see her laying in the bed, i sat down in a chair close to her, i took her hand in mine
"mr. mitchell, sorry to interrupt but, i need a few things filled out if you don't mind" a nurse asks him
mav nodded and him and penny walked out, it was just me and her now
i moved closer to her
"Y/N please wake up" i whispered
i held her hand up to my face kissing it lightly
i allowed a few tears to fall, i knew she would be fine, it was just scary, i hated hospitals, usually the only time i was here was because of some freak accident, like when dad died, or when my plane crashed
it wasn't a very fun event
"hmmmm" i looked up to see that she had woken up
"hi baby" i said quietly
"oh gross where are we?" she said and i laughed
"we're in a hospital"
"why?" she whined "i hate hospitals"
"join the club" i said
"what happened?" she asked sitting up some
"you didn't wake up when i came to get you"
"so you called an ambulance? you sure i wasn't just tired?" she said
"yes Y/N i'm sure"
she leaned back
"where'a dad?" she asked me
"he's signing some paper work"
"does jake know?"
i shook my head "no not yet"
"will you text him?"
i pulled out my phone
"yeah i'll text him" she squeezed my hand
"come here" she pulled my closer to here and hugged me
"hmm your hot" i laughed
it was quite obvious they had her on some drugs
"thank you honey"
"hmm your welcome"
i sat down on the side of her bed she grabbed my face
"i love you, even though your mustache is stupid, i still love you"
her words were slightly slurred and i just laughed
she pulled me and and kissed me
when she pulled away she stared at me for about a minuet before speaking
"can i see my dad now?" i turned to the door to see if i could see mav
"yeah he'll be back soon, penny is here too" i'm said
"oh my god it's a whole party" she flopped back down on the bed "i feel like i'm gonna pass out" she said again
"don't do that" i said as i pushed the covers up over her once more
"where are my clothes? i hate these stupid hospital clothes" she said pulling at her gown
"let me look okay"
i pulled out the bag of things that were sitting next to her bed, i pulled out her phone, her shorts, a sweatshirt that was actually mine and her necklace, i held it up, recognizing it immediately
"you still have this?" i asked her
"yep never take it off, i usually hide it under my shirt cause i don't like questions"
i smiled
"here" i put it back over her head and she fixed the placement of it
"i told you bradshaw, i love you AND your stupid mustache"
i laughed again handing her the sweatshirt
"is my ring in there?" she asked me
"yeah it's right here" i handed it to her and she put it on
"mrs. Y/N bradshaw" she said
"has a nice ring to it"
i laughed
"well it's good to see your awake" i turned over my shoulder to see the nurse from before standing i front of mav and penny
"yes ma'am, awake and well" she said as she saluted the nurse
"what did you give her?" maverick asked
"just some stuff you help with the pain"
she said
"oh right, what happened to me?" Y/N asked
"well you had an ovarian cyst erupt, you passed out in your sleep from the pain" she said as she checked her I.V.
"damn" she said
"and now she's higher than a kite" i said turning to maverick
"you fly jet planes and yet you use that expression?" Y/N said
"she's got a point" penny said
Y/N perked up
"penny! oh i'm so happy to see you! ya know i'm sorry excited for you to marry my dad! i love fancy dresses!" she was sitting up and smiling
"okay miss Y/N you should ge good you go home, just keep her on liquids for 24 hours and then soft easy to digest foods, here is her medication, she needs to take two pills at night without food and water" the nurse said to me, handing me her meds
i thanked her before i helped Y/N stand up
"you ready to go home" i asks her
"can we go to your house i like it's better there" she said
"sorry dad" she laughed out
"that's okay kid, im here for you need me"
mav said
"okay let's go" Y/N took over step forward and would have face planted off i hadn't grabbed her
"okay let's not go" she said as i sat her down in a wheelchair
"can i drive?" she asked once we got out to the parking lot
"no" we all said in unison
"oh come on" she said angrily
"hey there fawkes" jake said standing by my car
"jake? when did you get here!? it a whole pilot party!" she yelled and we all laughed
"okay kid you gonna be alright" mav asked her
"yes father dearest i have the best boyfriend ever"
she said pointing at me and i smiled
"here's your keys man, mavericks gonna drop me off, let me know if you need anything" he said as he's tossed me my keyes
"alright man will do" i said helping Y/N in to the car
"bye bye bagman" Y/N said
jake rolled his eyes as he got into mavs car and they took off
once i got her into my car (that jake so kindly agreed  to drop off) i buckled her in and leaned her back
"hmm goodnight chicken man" she said as i got into the front seat
driving us back to my place
lowkey proud of this chapter, lmk how you like it
please vote, i promise i have so much more to come

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