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okay i promise brad is actually in this story lol
also tell me if there's anything you don't like/ do like

"whoa" was all i was able to muster out, dad had just told me about the new mission from admiral cane, "wait why are you telling me this don't you need clearance?" i asked confused "i do, because they want you to help teach" he said as he pressed his lips into a straight line "teach!? i've never flown a plane!" i was very confused, they wanted ME, Y/N Mitchell, who has NEVER flown a plane, let alone a fighter jet, to help teach alongside the legend who is my dad, who is maverick?
"yeah i know, but your smart, you know just as much as i do, plus you have medical training so you'll technically be able to be there is anything happens" all i could do was stare at him
"medical training? i'm CPR certified!"
"and you know how to work a suture kit, and set broken and sprained bones" he said matter of fact-ly
"not legally! who approved this?"
my father looked at me i gave him a blank stater
"ice" i said in a monotone voice and in response he just hummed
"okay, when do we start?" i asked getting or my phone to text penny that i'm probably not going to be able to work
"two days!"
"two days!?" i said looking up at him
"i'm sorry they don't exactly give good notice in the navy you know that"
i did know that, dad was constantly being called in on random assignment hours before
"okay, this will be fun" i said standing up, i noticed brads light was still on so i went over to shut the light off, i stood in the doorway for a second, looking at the very little progress i made
"there's something else you should know kid"
i turned to look at him
"what is Bradley gonna be there" i asked sarcastically, but i stead of laughing he just stared at me "dad" i looked at him my brows furrowed, "dad!?"
"surprise" he said lightly
i stood there in silence, five years
he had been go e five years and he was just going to show up again, this outta be fun

the next morning i woke up, 11:00,
"wow okay sleep in much Y/N"
i said it out loud talking to myself "it was a long night" i jumped as i heard my dad talk
"easy kid, i know you aren't exactly excited, and i know it's kinnda ironic but i found this yesterday and figured you should have it, since i already have one" he handed me a box and walked out
"im headed out have fun at work he yelled as he was walking down the stairs"
i opened the box quickly realizing what it was,
it was bradley's old top gun jacket from when he graduated, it still looked brand new, i didn't realize he didnt take this with him i trued it on
it fit, although it was a little big that's how i like my clothes to fit, i put on a record and started getting ready for my shift at the hard deck, i  had about two hours, i decided on one blue jean shorts, a white cropped tank and one of brads old Hawaiian shirts, i put my hair into a half up half down with a claw clip so my hair was flowing up and then down
i decided to leave brads jacket at home, i didn't want to ruin it

TOP GUN: BACK TO MY ROOTS Where stories live. Discover now