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i walked up the stairs to my room
bradley following behind me, "brad seriously im fine" i said  "just a little dizzy that's all"
"nope, it is my job to make sure you are still alive tomorrow" he said
i opens the door to my room "ladies first" i said as i help out my hand
he gave me and annoyed look
i smiled at him, before he picked me up and carried me inside,
"hey!" i yelled as he slammed me down on my bed
"ladies first" he smirked and kissed me
i pushed him away "i don't wanna get you sick" i said
"oh come on, you don't have a fever, it's probably just something you ate" he said
i moved under my covers
"do you want me to stay?" i thought for a moment
"i really don't want to get you sick.."
"non sense, it's only like 9;00, so try to get some sleep, i'll be downstairs for a little and i'll come up in about and hour?" he said looking at his watch
i smiled at him, now that i was laying down  felt more tired
i closed my eyes and fell asleep

after about an hour i went back upstairs to check on Y/N, when i got there she had kicked off all the covers, and i could tell she was sweating, when i took her temperature i could tell she had a high fever, i tried to shake her awake
"Y/N wake up, you have a fever"
she didn't respond, i continued
"Y/N wake up, can you hear me"
she was still breathing but wasn't responsive, i pulled out my phone and called 911

"911 what's your emergency?"
"my girlfriend won't wake up, she told me she wasn't feeling well  and went to bed and now she won't wake up" i was rambling from fear
"okay, how old is she?"
"19, almost 20"
"and what are her symptoms"
"uh well she said her  stomach was hurting her and that her head hurt, she didn't have a fever earlier but she does now, and she's sweating"
"alright i've got an ambulance heading to the location"
i pulled her towards me "god Y/N please be okay please wake up"
once the ambulance got there i called mav
"hey kid what's up"
"uh hey mav, you might wanna come home, the police and an ambulance are here"
"what!? what happend"
"well Y/N said she want feeling well and then she wouldn't wake up and now the peramedocs have her and i don't know what to do just come be a dad please"
"okay im on my way"
he hung up the phone
"excuse me, are you her boyfriend?" i turned to see a female paramedic
"yeah that's me, is she okay?"
"she seems like she's gonna be okay, we've given her some fluids, not sure why she passed out quite yet, i have a couple of things i need you to sign before we take her to the hospital"
she handed me a clipboard
"the hospital? but i thought you said she was gonna be fine?"
"she will, but there's only so much we can do"
i nodded before  she walked away
the paper she handed me had normal questions on it like
'what happened?'
'where were you when it happened?'
'how old is the patient?'
'is the patient sexually active?'
after i was finished i walked over and handed the paramedic the papers i was given
i saw mavericks car pull up, him and penny got out
"bradley what happened?"
"i don't know man she just didn't wake up"
he walked towards Y/N but a leta medic stopped him
"excuse me sir we're trying to get her loaded to get to the hospital" she said
"i'm her father"
i walked up behind him and put a hand on his shoulder
"mav let them do their job, we'll follow them to the hospital"
we all pulled into his car, it was silent as we drove

TOP GUN: BACK TO MY ROOTS حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن