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"so you finally see it" i looked over to see amelia
"what?" i asked her 
"oh come on, they've been swinging all a over each other for the last week" she said
"i guess i didn't see it" i said as i took the towel she brought over for me
"you you've even too busy swinging over someone else" she said as she guest urged behind me, i turned to see bradley laughing with coyote and fanboy, he noticed me looking and smiled at me, i smiled back
"maybe i have" i said
"ew love is gross" she said making a disgusted face
"oh what your not still afraid of cooties are you melia?" i said as i wiggled my fingers at her
"what no" we both laughed
"oh come on, there isn't one guy that your into"
i didn't believe her
"well there is one, but it's more of a stupid crush that will never happen" she said
" oooh tell me, tell me, tell me!" i said excited  at the recent news
"no way! it's stupid and plus he's too old for me!"
she said as she hit me with the extra towel she wa holding
"oh come on" i said "i never got to be a big sister, you gotta spill all your gossip to me, plus age is just a number"
i said smiling at her
"okay fine but don't laugh" she said the red already rising in her cheeks
"it's lieutenant seresin" she looked away from me to avoid eye contact
my jaw dropped
"nope no way, not happening!" i said walking towards the hard deck
"oh wait come on you were the one who was just saying age is just a number!" she said running to catch up to me
"and you just said love is gross, pluses her like ten years older than you, your like twelve!"
i said stopping to stare at her
"Y/N im sixteen, seventeen next week"
she said folding her arms
"see it's not even legal!" i said turning to walk away
"it's only like five years" she said somewhat quietly
i turned around "five years!? i've never dated anyone a year older than me!" i said slightly yelling
"me trust me you don't wanna date him!"
"date who?" i turned around to see penny
standing there
i looked over amelia who gave me a 'please do my tell her look'
"oh just this kid from school who seems to like her, he seems like a real jerk so i was giving her advice on how to shoot him down nicely"
i smiled at her "aww how older sister-ly of you" penny turned back to talk with my dad
i gave amelia a side eye and mouthed a "you owe me one" before walking into the hard deck

"hey fawkes how ya doin?" bob asked me when i sat down
"well i'm cold and wet and smell like the ocean" i said as i looked at jake "your welcome" he said with a smile
i let out a sigh and got my jacket from my backpack, i didn't think anything of it until pheonix was staring at me
"uhm where did you get that?" she asked me, i looked down realizing which jacket it was
i really need to stop wearing this in public
"oh that's a long story" i said, technically i didnt lie, it was quite a long story
i got up to go use the bathroom and hopefully dry my hair some.
when i came out i couldn't find bradley, coyote, pheonix or bob
i walked up to jake "hey where did everyone go?" i asked him
well bob and coyote left awhile ago but i don't know where rooster and pheonix went" he said
that was weird "hey i'm thinking of heading home, you need a ride?" he said
"yeah actually that would be great" i grabbed my backpack and headed towards the door but i stopped when i heard bradley's voice
"look it's a long story and it's not that big of a deal!"
then i heard pheonix "what? not that big of a deal! when we were in training together you told me you had lost it! you lied to me" she yelled at him
"natasha drop it!" he yelled back
natasha? why would he call her that
"we dated for a year and a half , we were engaged and you lied to me bradley!" pheonix yelled
they were engaged? for a year and a half, when did they break up? why would he lie about his jacket, about me and dad, did she know?
my head was spinning "hey are you okay?" jake asks me he was listening too
"did you know?" i asked him
"i knew there was something going on between then but i didn't know it was that serious"
my head hurt, he wasn't my boyfriend, we weren't on a relationship i shouldn't care, but i felt like i wanted to cry
i squeezed my eyes shut and hugged jake "god just take me home jake" i said letting a few tears fall
"okay, come on" he wrapped an arm around me and we walked out of the hard deck i hoped to god neither of them would see me
"Y/N?" it was bradley
me and jake kept walking
"hey are you okay?"
i stopped walking
"i really hit don't wanna talk to you right now" i said without turning around
"hey" he put his hand on my shoulder
"she said she doesn't want to talk to you" jake said as he pushed his hand away
"go home rooster"
"you get get to make choices for her hangman"
"she said she didn't want to talk to you"
"oh but she wants to talk to you? is that it"
"she's rather be with me than you"
"god just shit up both of you!" i yelled turning around, i hated when they fought
"could you both just act professionally for two minuets!? jake is taking me home, okay, your not my boyfriend, i don't need you looking after me!" i yelled at bradley as i stared to cry again
i turned to walk away, grabbing jakes arm
"goodnight lieutenant bradshaw"

how are we feeling about the amount of drama?
also question/ how do we feel about smut? 
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