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also i have a new story coming out, it's a peter hayes divergent story of your interested
the next few days was the same as usual, school then home, dad was never there, usually brad or jake came over to keep me company.

right now i was sat on the couch with bradley "you okay?" he asked me as he wrapped his arm around me
i looked up at him, tommorow was the day dad would choose who was going with him, the say he would leave for the mission and maybe never come back
"i don't know" i said as i looked towards to fireplace, i dim flame was lit under the faux wood that sat there
"hey, it's gonna be okay, remember we don't know if he's going to choose me" he said
i looked t him with furrowed brows, and he looked down to avert my gaze
yeah right, we've both thought about it a hundred times of course he was going to choose bradley, he deserves it
and in the event he didn't, he would choose jake, it was a loose loose situation
"come here" was all he said before picking me up
and carrying me to my room
"you need sleep" he said as he walked up the stairs
i couldn't find the words so i just didn't speak
he laid me down on the bed, and kissed me
"do you want me to stay?" i nodded
he took off his shirt and got into bed with me
holding me
"i'm sorry, i wish i could promise you i'll come back, promise you that i'll always be here but" he sighed
"i know you can't" i whispered "i would never expect you too" a tear feel from my face
i wiped it away
"let's not think about it tonight okay?" he said before leaning down to kiss my shoulder
i nodded in agreement
and then i fell asleep

the next morning, we didn't say much to each other, just being with each other seemed to be enough
after i was ready to go i stood in the mirror staring at myself, brad walked up behind me, we made eye contact in the mirror
he took my hand in his and took a breath
"ready?"he asked
i shook my head
i laughed
the drive was silent, we held each others hands
and when we parked northern of us moved, as if we wanted to stay i that moment forever
i took a deep breath before releasing his hand and getting out of the car

i walked into the hall, the pilots lined up, i looked at all of them, bob was fidgety, playing with his pockets on his pants.
he caught me looking, i have him a reassuring smile
"maverick, time to choose"
beau said loudly
i stood next to dad
"for your third?"
"and your team?"
"pheonix and bob"
"and for your wingman?"
i took a deep breath
i starred at the ground
i'm proud of him
but god i don't want to loose him
"dismissed" beau said loudly
"hangman you'll be on standby"he said to jake who had walked over to shake bradley's hand
i was about to go over to him when dad placed a hand on my shoulder
"hey kid" he said
i hugged him
"dad, please don't be mad" i said as i started to cry a little "but i have to tell you before you go"
he cut me off "i know kid, i've known for awhile" he said as he looked up at bradley
"god dad, please bring him home" i said hugging him again as the tears came
"i promise, i won't come back without him"
he said before pulling away from me "i have to go okay"
i nodded "okay"
"i love you kid"
"i love you too dad"
he walked out
i turned around to see bradley looking at me
"bradley" in started walking towards him
"Y/N mitchell we need to speak with you" i heard beau yell,
"can't it wait?" i asked
"we have you time to say goodbye to your father, we want you up on the tower when these pilots take of, so we need to debrief you on some things" i looked back to where brad once stood but he was gone now
i looked back to beau and nodded walking towards him
the talked to me about pilot stuff, non of which i laid much attention to, my mind was preoccupied
"excuse me, admiral simpson" hondo spoke
"could i have miss. mitchell's help on the deck please?" he asked
i looked over at beau he nodded "ten minuets then we need you up in the tower"
i nodded before walking over to hondo
"what do you need?" i asked him
"nothing big you e got five minuets to say your goodbyes, Y/N someone isn't coming out of this" he said
i thanked him before turning around to find bradley and jake
i found jake first i gave him a hug
"you okay?" he asked me
i nodded "yeah you?"
"yeah, now go find that lover boy of yours" he said
i smiled at him, i walked towards the pilots getting ready, my eyes met bradley's
i ran to him and threw my arms around him
"Y/N" he choked out
"god bradley please come home, please come back to me" i felt like sobbing
he pulled away and kissed me passionately
when he pulled back he laid a hand on my face
"i love you" he said still looking at me
"i love you too" i said, both of our eyes had glazed over, like we could start crying at any minuet
i closed my eyes and took a breath
i kissed him again
"i have to talk to your dad" he said
i nodded before kissing him again
"i love you"
"i love you too"
i made my way up to the tower
i watched as bradley turned to dad, i  wasn't sure what they were saying but it didn't last long,
god please let them come home 

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