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as i walked into the top gun classroom i found dad sitting at the table looking over some paper work he looked up to see me and smiled
"he kiddo!"
i frowned at him
"we're the hell were you?"
"oh yeah sorry i didn't come home last night"
"dad i don't care what you do with your love as long as you tell me you aren't going to be home" i crossed my arms
"i thought something happens to you dad"
he frowned "im sorry honey i'll text you next time i promise, now let's get these idiots back up in the sky" he said as he stood up
"what order do you want them in?"
"same as yesterday"
i smiled to myself thinking that i would get to have more time with bradley
"sounds good, but please try not to get yourself killed, or any of our pilots" i said as we walked up to the tower
dad laughed "yeah yeah okay i'll think about it"
i rolled my eyes before he spoke again "ya know if i didn't know any better id say you didn't hate rooster as much anymore"
i looked over at him "what no, really? can't stand the kid" i tried to play it off
"mhm sure" he eyed at me before walking into the room
"alright lieutenants same order as last time, payback, fanboy your up first let's go"
the three of them walked downstairs and into the platform while the six of us stayed up in the tower waiting to observe
i was looking down at my notes reading through some stuff when i looked up to see bradley was staring at me, i gave him a look meaning to say 'what?' he just smiled and winked at me, making me smile and roll my eyes at him
jake came over to sit by my
"hey what's up" i said as he sat down
"nothing much, just wanted to come sit by my favorite assistant" he said before he took my legs and put them so the were resting on his.
my eyes widened a little, id done it a thousand times but for work it didn't seem profesional, i was t one of his co-pilots i was his superior, i went to say something when i noticed him looking at bradley i looked over to see his jaw clenching, jake was doing it on purpose to make him jealous, and that's when i realized,
i may have just started another war, except this time it was Bradshaw V. Seresin
i moved my legs and stood up giving jake a look, i walked over to pheonix and bob who were luckily looking out the window and hadn't seen anything
"hey fawkes, can i ask you a question" bob turned to ask me
"yeah what's up?" i placed my hand on the back of his and phoenix's chairs so i was meant over them
"how did you get your call sign? just cause i know you don't fly, and i was just wondering"
i looked at him for a moment
"i used to fly"
"oh really? did you go to top gun"
"no my dad taught me how" well that slipped, hopefully they won't ask who he is
"oh cool" pheonix said turning to me "did he go to top gun, what was his call sign"
i will admit this is on me, gosh what was i supposed to say
i was panicking but bradley cut me off
"hey did you guys know maverick used to fly F-14's?" he stood up and walked over to us, luckily that got everyone's attention
"what? no way?"
"that's a museum piece"
"didn't realize the man was that old"
i looked at bradley and he winked at me and put his hand on my upper arm

after awhile jake, pheonix and bob were all up in the air,
payback and fanboy were on the ground doing their pushups
i sat back into the couch listening to the radio
bradley came and sat next to me
"hello lieutenant Bradshaw" i mocked him
"hm hello Y/N" i smiled
"thanks for saving my ass today man" i looked over at him
"anytime, it's quite a nice one i will say" i smacked his arm "i didn't know you used to fly" he said after while, i looked away
"yeah dad started teaching Me about two years after you left, but i only lasted around 10 months"
"what happened" he sat up a little
"there was an accident, it was fine, i was cleared to fly but, it scared das so bad that i just decided  not to" i looked over at him
"i'm sorry"
i shrugged "it's okay, maybe i just wasn't meant to fly"
he opened his mouth to speak but coyote spoke up first
"hey fawkes you might wanna see this" he laughed
i turned up the radio before walking over to coyote "what u- oh" i have pit a chuckle
dad was directly under the two planes so they couldn't see him
i could hear pheonix over the radio
"you see him bob"
"no, hangman what about you"
"i got nothing, man where is this SOB"
then dad flew i between their planes
they exclaimed 'whoa's' and curse words as dad spoke over the radio
"been here the whole time"
"alright this get this going old man" jake said
"old man? last i recalled you've lost every round"
everyone laughed
"not this time old timer" jake pulled his jet around and took dad into a race
"oh my god, seriously" i said smacking my forehead, i grabbed the radio
"alright boys play nice, let's not get you kicked out on the fourth day please"
pheonix laughed "if that means bagman leaves i'm okay with it" i turned on private coma with pheonix and bob
"if i were you i would take this opportunity to create missile lock" i sang the last part into the coms
"okay maybe she did used to fly pheonix said before racing forwards
"but before she could get close enough dad had her and bob locked
"that was close, not close enough unfortunately" jake was riding calmly, until dad hit him as-well
"your ego is going to put you in a casket one of these days bagman" bob said making everyone laughed
as they landed coyote and rooster got ready to go
"i'll meet you down there man" coyote said as he walked out the door leaving me and bradley alone
he came up behind me and wrapped his arms around me  "we have to stop meeting like this" he said as he nuzzled his face into my neck
i giggled "bradley stop, you have a jet to fly"
he let go of me "yeah yeah i know, what are you doing after class?" he asked me walking backwards
"nothing, why" i asked him with narrowed eyes
he shrugged "don't know, but be ready by about 6:30"
"it's a date" and with that he was out the door
by the time he was up in the air i could hear him and dad bickering about something stupid
i turned on coms "come on boys let's see who's doing those 200 with hondo" and then they were off
luckily this time nothing crazy happened
when i got home i took a shower and got ready for our date
i put on some black pants and a green crop top, i work me white vans and straightens my hair down
i heard a knock on the door and went down the stairs
"hey dad i'm going out with some friends!" i yelled into his room
"okay kid have fun"
i ran to the door to be met with a very handsome rooster
i stepped out and closed the door, mostly because i didn't want dad to know i was actually going out with brad, he noticed this
"he doesn't know does he" he looked down at me
"no, and for now id like to keep it that way"
he laughed "anything you wish" he said as he took my hand and lead my towards his bronco
"yeah you would drive a bronco" i said as i got into it
"what's that supposed to mean?" he asked as he started the car
"it just makes sense for you" i laughed out
"so what's this mystery date we're going on?" i asked him
"you'll see" he said he reached his hands over and out it on my thigh, i jumped a little at the physical contact
"is this okay" he asked me, i looked over at him and smiled
"yeah" i said before i turned to look out the window so he couldn't see my stupid smile.

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