Chapter 8: Zuka Tries to Take the Girls

Start from the beginning

"We barely have any history. We were just founded two years ago" Hikaru says. "Yea the boss created it whenever he started high school here" Kaoru finishes for Hikaru. "Be that as it may, saying their club activities are only held to satisfy their appetites is wrong. I mean, it's not like the host club is charging tier guests or anything." Haruhi says annoyed now.

"Well I wouldn't call it a charge, we do have a point system. We offer priority services based on the winning bids of auctions held on our website. Check this out, Haruhi. Your used mechanical pencil just sold with a winning bid of 30,000 yen. Good for you" Kyoya say cheery. He is really pleased with money isn't he? "What?! But I thought I'd lost that pencil! Why didn't you tell me about this before, Kyoya-senpai?!" Haruhi says, really mad with what the club is doing.

Haruhi has a screaming match with the all too calm Kyoya, then Tamaki starts crying offering up his own mechanical pencil to give to Haruhi. Honestly, did they all forget Lobelia was here? As if they were reading my thoughts, Benibona leaps over to me grabbing my sunglasses off my face. I close my eyes as tight as I can before anyone can see my eyes.

*3rd Perspective*

Everyone whips their heads toward Benibona and Rubee. The hosts are all fuming about what she did to their Rubee. Tamaki and Kyoya see Rubee shutting her eyes tight and crying. In a flash Kyoya is over there hugging Rubee, her crying in his chest hiding her face from the ones in the room.

The other hosts all surrounding the Lobelia girls. Tamaki stepping into the circle facing Benibona. "Give me her glasses. NOW!" Tamaki shouts at her, scaring her. Honey cracking his knuckles ready to pounce on the girl if she doesn't comply. "What is the big deal?! She shouldn't be wearing them in the first place" Benibona says, crossing her arms with the sunglasses.

"Benio, I think you have taken it too far. Just give them the girl's sunglasses and we can come back tomorrow for Haruhi's decision" Chizuraru says, pulling lightly on Benibona's uniform sleeve. "Fine, whatever, we will be back tomorrow for your decision, Haruhi, '' Benibona says, handing the glasses over to Haruhi with a smile on her face.

And with that the three Lobelia girls twirl out of the room and leave. The host club run over to Rubee and Kyoya. Tamaki kneels down slightly to be eye level with Rubee placing a hand on her shoulder. "Rubee keep your eyes closed, but I'm turning you around and putting your glasses back on ok?" Tamaki says softly to the still crying girl. She nods her head keeping her eyes squeezed shut as Tamaki turns her to face him while gently putting the glasses on her face.

Once they are on her face she engulfs Tamaki into a hug crying into his shoulder. "That was so scary Tamaki.... What if Benibona saw my eyes!" Rubee crys harder with the scary realization. Everyone around her softens even more seeing how scared their friend is. "If she did then she did Rubee, there's not much we can do about that. But I don't believe she did so you are ok alright?" Tamaki says softly petting Rubee's hair

"I better get home, I will see you all tomorrow." Rubee says, getting up, grabbing her things and leaving. Everyone stands there sad until Haruhi looks up darkly and scares them all. "I'd better be going as well. I've got some thinking to do." Haruhi says and leaves as well.

There is an eerie silence among the hosts until Tamaki speaks up, "Did any of you see her eyes?" "Nuh-uh right Takashi?" Honey says and then Mori nods to Honey's question. "I didn't either," Kyoya says with his head down. "No we didn't. Did you boss?" the twins say in unison. "No, I didn't just wanted to make sure that if someone did it was only Benibona we had to worry about." Tamaki answers with his bangs covering his face.

"Why did you have to tell Haruhi the truth! You just added fuel to the fire, what are we going to do now?" Tamaki says screaming towards Kyoya. "I was just stating facts," Kyoya says simply. "Do you really think Haru-chan would go there after what they did to Rubee-chan?" Honey asks sadly and Tamaki just sighs. "I think highly of Haruhi, I don't think she would. But maybe we could do something that would help her with her decision. Men I have a plan" Tamaki says while looking at the group smirking.

~The next day~

*Rubee's POV* 

I was walking down the hall towards the music room. I wasn't going to come to school today, but I had a big test in one of my classes and I have missed too much school this week already. I am walking into the host club to see the same three Lobelia girls there with their arms crossed, Haruhi on the floor rolling in laughter, and all the hosts besides Mori dressed in big princess dresses with wigs on. I took one look and burst into laughter myself.

"Are we really that funny?" Honey and the twins ask us. Then they start chasing the crying laughing Haruhi around the room. "Come on, cut it out" Haruhi laughs, "What were you thinking? What's gotten into you guys?" She finishes with the questions. "We did this because we don't want you to leave the Host Club, Haruhi" Hikaru says with his hands behind his head. Haruhi and I looked shocked.

"Haruhi, you were actually thinking about leaving?!" I ask astonished and hurt. "Well maiden, have you made your choice?" Benibona says, speaking over me. "Yeah, I have. I'm sorry but your club's not for me. I think the idea of a girl's school is great and I think your views are very unique and interesting, but I came to this school with a goal and a plan for my future, so while I appreciate the offer, I really already knew that I was never going to leave Ouran Academy. Especially with how you treated Rubee yesterday, I can't stand by that" Haruhi says with a smile.

I am almost crying again when I go over and hug Haruhi. Then Tamaki comes over to us, "Hold on! If you knew you weren't going to leave, then why did you act so angry yesterday?" Pointing a finger at her chest. "How would you feel if I stole something of yours without asking you?! I really like that mechanical pencil. It was easy to write with!" Haruhi says shouting at Tamaki, while I laugh at the two.

"I'm sorry, but I was nice and offered you my teddy bear pencil. You really scared us all yesterday thinking you would leave even after what they did to Rubee." Tamaki says, looking down. "We're not going to give up on you maidens, I swear this to you. Someday we'll come and rescue you both from this place! And when we do we'll abolish the Ouran Host Club!" Benibona says then the three of them laugh as they walk out.

We all look at each other, until I break the silence, "They'll have fun doing that, with seven of the biggest names in the country in here." After I say this we all laugh on our way out of the building. I think I can actually open up to them.

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