When Jimin comes to, he and Yoongi are tied to a chair. He wriggles, face damp and body trembling.

Where are they?

Right as panic begins to settle in, a hand encloses itself around his own. Instinctively, he turns his head as far as he can manage just to look at Yoongi. There's the hint of a reassuring smile on his face, but it does nothing against the tension in his shoulders. Jimin barely fills the chair whereas Yoongi takes up more space and thus, more of him can be seen.

"You okay?" Yoongi's voice is surprisingly soft. Jimin wonders if it has to do with their situation or if that's the way his voice sounds when he whispers. It's got a warmer edge to it than when he's talking to other people. To Jimin, he is softer when he speaks like this. It calms the panic in him, and maybe that's the point and he just doesn't realize.

"Where are we?" Jimin tries to hold back the shake in his voice, but it's not possible. Embarrassment warms his cheeks when he thinks about Yoongi seeing him scared.

"Not sure, sunshine." He tilts his head back, lightly knocking the back of Jimin's. "We'll get out of it though, I swear."


The sound of screeching announces the arrival of someone, heavy footsteps thud against the floor as they approach. Jimin can't see who it is, but he can hear Yoongi grunt as the person stops in front of him. His hand tightens it's grip around Jimin's. It brings the unease back into him as he tries to turn, but Yoongi's grip is what stops him.

"What the hell do you want with us?" Yoongi demands. There's a sound, as if he's about to say more, but the sound of the slap shuts them up. It echoes in the silence of the empty room, lingering in their ears. Jimin holds tight onto Yoongi's hand.

"You will not speak to me that way."

Every bone in Jimin's body chills at the sound of the voice. It's one he knows all too well. He's grown up with it, listened to the very voice curse and blame him for everything, tell him he's a good for nothing. He's listened to the voice yell at his mother, call her useless. He's heard the voice angry, but never happy.


Jimin is shaking. He feels the surprise from Yoongi. Neither of them had expected him to yell. It's quiet for a moment before the man rounds his way over. Yoongi struggles against the ties, trying to prevent the man from getting anywhere close to Jimin. It's no use.

"You," says the man. The smile on his face is wicked, his eyes still angry. He leans in close, grabbing a handful of Jimin's sweater as he pulls him close. The ties around his wrist burns against the pressure and Jimin bites back the yelp. "You, I will get to. Don't think you can escape me again," he growls.

When he drops Jimin, it's like he's throwing out the garbage. As the man leaves, Jimin bites hard on the bottom of his lip to stop it from quivering and, hopefully, hold back the tears.

Yoongi has a new sense of urgency in his voice. Jimin starts to apologize, but Yoongi tells him not to.

"I promise you, Jimin, I'm going to get you out of this."

Not having the energy to tell him there's no point, all he can manage is the softest correction of the sentence. "Us." Because if Yoongi plans to get him out, Jimin is determined to bring Yoongi with him.

"I'll get us out of this."

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