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Jimin's dad is on his trail, he discovers a day after.

He recognizes a man that gets on as one of his dad's friends. Which can only mean his dad wants to finish a job he never got done and he's come to do that now. He's frantically packing his bag, half in tears, when Yoongi walks in and sees what he's doing.

"Are you getting off? Is your stop next?"

They've never spoken about stops and where they would be getting off. Jimin wants to lie and tell him that it is, but it's Yoongi and he's still wearing the leather jacket and guilt rips at his stomach.

"I s- saw someone. I think daddy's looking for me," Jimin whispers, turning away and proceeding to pack his back. His hands are cold and shaking. His legs feel like jelly, and he must blink every few seconds so that the tears don't come.

Yoongi walks past him and Jimin wonders how he'll say goodbye.

"We'll switch trains then. Get him off your trail."

Jimin turns, shoulder knocking against the bunk as he looks at Yoongi who's packing his own bag. He has more stuff than Jimin does, but he must be used to moving around because he lives out of his bag, and he swings it over his shoulder. His eyes scan the room, he looks down at a plastic watch that must be telling the time and back at Jimin.

"The next stop is soon. We should hurry."

Jimin shoulders his bag and follows Yoongi out of the room. It's the first time they walk together in a direction, so Jimin's never noticed the big strides Yoongi takes when walking. The distance between them grows until Yoongi notices and stops. He turns around and clasps Jimin's hand tightly into his own, desperation and plea in his eyes.

"Jiminie, don't let go, okay? We must get you to safety."

They make it to the doors in time, Yoongi explaining that they won't need tickets because their train ticket allows a transfer. Jimin doesn't understand, but he nods along.

Outside, it's raining. Jimin feels very soaked, following Yoongi closely enough that his shoulder hits his friend's back every time. Yoongi asks around, trying to find the right train to switch to. By the time they find it, it's getting ready to go.

It all happens fast.

Yoongi turns around and takes Jimin's bag from him. He zips up the leather jacket and clicks the top button into place before linking their hands together. They run for the train just as it starts, and Yoongi is yelling for Jimin to run and to trust him. He's at a loss for words when Yoongi tosses the bags over and jumps onto the back of the train.

He extends a hand, his eyes warm.

Jimin can't breathe. He's never done anything like this before. He's bad at long jump. What if that means he won't make it?

"Jiminie! Hurry!"

Jimin closes his eyes, sucks in a breath and does a running start.

Jimin jumps. Yoongi catches his arm with both hands, pulling him up until there's solid beneath his feet. When he looks up, he sees the relief in Yoongi's eyes before he's pulled in for a hug.

Min Yoongi hugs Jimin a lot. Jimin keeps it a secret that he likes being hugged.

"We must find a room. Let's go," Yoongi says, already pulling the bags onto his shoulders. When Jimin tries to take one so he can help, Yoongi bats his hand away and snatches it into his own.

The door opens into a train similar to the previous one. They walk past the table areas where food is served, going through a few doors before they reach the rooms. He watches Yoongi take the lead, asking if there are any free rooms and following the ticket collector to it.

The ticket collector punches their ticket before letting them go into the room.

It's nicer than the last one. There's a tv hanging on the wall and the dresser is bigger. The floor is a pretty blue carpet, and the windows have curtains on them. The only thing about it is that there's one bed and two of them.

"I can take the floor," Yoongi murmurs, dropping his hand and setting their bags down at the foot of the bed. "You should have the bed."


Jimin wakes in the middle of the night, sweating. His cheeks are wet, and he can't get the nightmare out of his head. All he sees is dark and while he never intended to, his voice squeaks out a name.

"Nightmare caught you again?"

Yoongi's on his feet, switching on the light before he joins Jimin. His hand sleeps beneath the pillow, stopping when it hits the Oliver Twist book Jimin tried to read when he first got on the train.

"It's a good book," Yoongi comments softly, laughing when Jimin scrunches his nose. He's got a nice laugh. It's not like Jimin's dad's laugh that's always hollow. Yoongi's laugh is real and full of joy and emotion. 

"Not your taste? Why'd you bring it?"

"The words are big and make my head hurt," Jimin grumbles distastefully, nuzzling into the leather jacket. "I couldn't get easier books, or they would have found me."

He watches Yoongi thumb the pages delicately. Jimin's never seen someone hold it like it's fragile before. His eyes flicker from one sentence to the next and then he turns his head slightly to regard Jimin with a look of consideration.

"Would you like me to read for you?"

Jimin can't detain his surprise. "You will?"

When Yoongi laughs, the hard edges of his features disappears and Jimin thinks he looks nicer and approachable that way. He doesn't consider that to be the point of Yoongi's façade. He knows nothing about Yoongi except that he's 14 and he ran away from home too. Jimin's too scared to ask why.

"The evening arrived; the boys took their places. The master, in his cook's uniform, stationed himself at the copper; his pauper assistants ranged themselves behind him; the gruel was served out; and a long grace was said over the short commons. The gruel disappeared; the boys whispered each other, and winked at Oliver; while his next neighbors nudged him. Child as he was, he was desperate with hunger, and reckless with misery. He rose from the table; and advancing to the master, basin and spoon in hand, said: somewhat alarmed at his own temerity:

'Please, sir, I want some more.'

The master was a fat, healthy man; but he turned very pale. He gazed in stupefied astonishment on the small rebel for some seconds, and then clung for support to the copper. The assistants were paralysed with wonder; the boys with fear.

'What!' said the master at length, in a faint voice.

'Please, sir,' replied Oliver, 'I want some more.'

The master aimed a blow at Oliver's head with the ladle; pinioned him in his arm; and shrieked aloud for the beadle.

The board were sitting in solemn conclave, when Mr. Bumble rushed into the room in great excitement, and addressing the gentleman in the high chair, said,

'Mr. Limbkins, I beg your pardon, sir! Oliver Twist has asked for more!'

There was a general start. Horror was depicted on every countenance.

'For more!' said Mr. Limbkins. 'Compose yourself, Bumble, and answer me distinctly. Do I understand that he asked for more, after he had eaten the supper allotted by the dietary?'

'He did, sir,' replied Bumble."

Yoongi's voice is warm liquid. Jimin likes him reading. He's very good, too. Yoongi doesn't stutter and stammer over bigger words. He reads with the knowledge that he can. He doesn't fear the next sentence for he reads with confidence.

Jimin is half asleep when Yoongi puts the book down and switches off the light. He joins Jimin in the bed, holding him when Jimin moves close.

"We'll get you away from him, Jiminie. I promise."

If Memory Serves [YoonMin]حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن