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haven't been updating since last year, and for that i'd like to apologize! i haven't forgotten about the stories or anything (i actually have been thinking about them a lot cause i'm still beyond excited to continue writing them!)

i've just been caught up in work. started working around christmas last year (was absolute hell) and then as of feb 1st i started a new job (which is already so much better) and was just dealing with stuff for my honours.

it just means i have to update my writing schedule and find time? but yeah. hope you enjoy this!



Jungkook's side of the room is messy, only ever cleaned when Taehyung comes over. One thing Jimin discovers is that Hoseok rarely shows, but it's because he's busy being a third-year overworked dance student. Most of the time, the two are visiting him and Jimin is in an empty room.

"Are you going to the basketball game?" Jungkook asks, walking in with Taehyung in toe.

Jimin also discovered that Jungkook isn't the type to greet first, especially since they're roommates. No, Jungkook walks in and starts a conversation. It would startle Jimin in the beginning, but after it's reoccurrence, he's gotten used to it. Much like now, as he heads right for his computer and picks up the controller. Taehyung is the one who makes his bed.

"Basketball game?" Jimin asks, trying to mask his surprise. He hadn't realized that this university did those things.

"Yeah. Today. You going?"

"You should go," Taehyung chips in, sitting down on the made bed. He's wearing a jacket despite the heat outside. When he sees Jimin looking over, his lips quirk into a smile that could only be labelled as convincing.

"Never pegged you two as the type to go."

"College experience," Jungkook says absently. He's already in a match or however the game works. His concentration has officially shifted from them to the game.

"Hoseok's playing," Taehyung adds. "So, support too."

Jimin doesn't say no. After all, college is a once in a lifetime experience and he doesn't want to spend it sitting in his dorm all day doing homework, assignments, and studying. Plus, he hasn't really made friends or gone out and he promised himself he would do that when he got to college. His high school experience wasn't great, but he could make his college experience terrific.

"What time?" Jimin asks, biting down the smile that tempts him upon sighting Taehyung beaming. It's Jungkook, however, who relays the time and claims that they will leave together. 

Jimin just smiles and goes back to reading his notes.


He's only just gotten to the bleachers, and he's already lost sight of Taehyung and Jungkook. They went in a direction like screeching seagulls and Jimin followed, but he realized he'd lost them the second he got to one of the rows of seats. He's been walking by, eyes scanning every row until he's forced to take a seat as the cheerleaders (Jimin didn't know they had cheerleaders) came running out, cheering for their university.

When the team comes out and someone they call RM shows, the boy beside him jumps right up and then he's tugging Jimin up with him and Jimin's got the end of a sign in his hands, confusion clear as day on his face as he glances between the guy and the basketball guy. He doesn't know either of them and yet he just held up a sign which says, Jimin glances to check, 'Go, my Joonie' with a big red heart at the end. After RM basketball guy goes off to the side, the guy and Jimin fall back into their seats and the guy is grinning ear to ear.

"That's my boyfriend," he says in a way that tells Jimin he takes every chance he gets to brag about this fact.

"Have you two been going out for long?" Jimin decides to ask when he realizes they're not going to be doing the name thing right now. Which is fine. They're two random people speaking at a basketball game. People must do that all the time, so Jimin will go with it.

"Coming up on seven years," he says proudly.

Jimin is overcome with awe, hope, and warmth. He thinks its fair for this guy to be proud. Not many couples their age last for that long and to hear this makes Jimin think their generation isn't completely screwed.

It's also absolutely sweet, knowing they've been together for this long and this guy is still doing signs like this. It makes Jimin think that maybe Romance isn't dead. (He can't compare them to Jungkook's relationship when he's never seen the three of them together for long.)

"That's the best and sweetest thing I've ever heard," Jimin tells the guy who smiles sweetly at him.

Their attention is pulled to the game. Jimin knows nothing about basketball, but the guy beside him (they have yet to introduce themselves and Jimin doesn't want to ask) explains everything. When asked how he knows all of this, Jimin's not surprised to hear that it's because of his boyfriend.

The game ends with them winning and the guy beside Jimin is gone in the blink of an eye, running down toward the players. He briefly sees Taehyung and Jungkook with Hoseok, but when they look up and wave him over, Jimin shakes his head and gives them a thumbs up.

They probably want to head out and celebrate as a couple, so there's no need for him to fourth wheel.

Jimin goes back to his dorm alone, but he's not lonely. He doesn't regret going, even if he did end up next to a random stranger. He thoroughly enjoyed it; he's just sad he didn't at least get the name of the guy. Without him, Jimin would have been clueless as to what was happening.

The room is unsurprisingly empty. Jimin falls onto his bed and closes his eyes, succumbing to sleep quickly. 

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